Home > Game Store > Ball Sort - Color Sort Game
Welcome to Ball Sort - a captivating puzzle game filled with colorful ball sorting action! With over 2,000 levels to conquer. This game is a superb test of your logical thinking and strategic skills, perfect for puzzle enthusiasts seeking sustained fun and engagement.

Ball Sort is also very rewarding with abundant tasks and rewards. You can earn virtual cash and withdraw them. Ways to earn virtual cash:
1. Finish tasks in Achievements
2. Upgrade in VIP levels

You can also earn coins and cash them out. Ways to earn coins:
1. Finish tasks in Achievements
2. Finish tasks in Daily Tasks
3. Play games in Playtime
4. Inviting friends

How to upgrade your VIP level:
1. Open treasure chests in Daily Tasks
2. Complete Achievement tasks
3. Invite friends

Are you ready to take on the challenge? Download now and become a master of Ball Sort!
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