Home > Game Store > STRIKERS 1945 classic
The first game of the Striker 1945 series was implemented in the mobile devices.
Play this exciting shooting game for free.

[How to play]
Drag to move the fighter aircraft and the shot is fired automatically.

[Aircraft attack type]
- P-38: Focused shot, option : guided shot
- P-51: Diffuse shot, option : Gatling rocket
- SPIT FIRE: Diffuse shot, option : guide missile
- Bf-109: Focused shot, option : guided Vulcan shot
- ZERO: Diffuse shot, option : drop bomb
- SHINDEN: Focused shot, option : large rocket

-Play a total of six aircrafts for free!
-When you obtain a P item, the weapon power increases.
-You can start the game with full power from the beginning when you choose "FULL POWER START"
-Press Super Shot to use special skills for each fighter.
-Use bombs at the moment of crisis to protect them from enemy attacks.
-Available to change the game screen to the original screen in the setting.
-Available to get bomb item while playing.
-When you hit from enemy, your weapon power level is down one level.
-Earn gold bars during the game to score additional points.
-Supported achievements and leaderboards
-Supported 16 languages

© Psikyo Produced by © CITY CONNECTION CO., LTD. Published by MOBIRIX Corporation.
Graphics Gameplay Value Story Sound 3.9
11 Rating(s), 4 Comment(s)
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