First thing first, language barrier (somehow developers simply cannot grasp this very simple concept and as a result they lose a lot of potential players because they can't add basic things like English )
Gameplay wise, starts very fast with a lot of menus to interact with but falls off shortly after as most AFK'ish type games
Character designs are fairly tame with a few questionable designs sprinkled in between ( the age rating is too high, this barely scratches PG 15 and i am being generous ) with one alternate look that removes some pieces of clothing
The gatcha aspect is quite subpar due to how characters upgrade from too easy to downright stupid ( a lot of paywall aspects ) even if they "give" a lot of pulls for the basic banners
Overall this is a very mediorcre game when compared to the rest in the same category, it's just a lot of unimpressive bare minimum done in a very lazy way
This looks feels and plays like an H game, might have been one in a previous life. The culture is 💯 there, haven't seen a stray nipple just yet tho. A lot of toes hanging out tho.
They give so many rewards and skins for different types of characters. But the arena function stops working on my phone. The rate at which characters are appearing in the game for fighting is slow. Also, I really hope that there will be an English version of this game soon.
The game is good and the graphics are also good. The game is perverted, but not of the highest degree.
It has beautiful semi-naked girls and the game mode is normal like any other game like it.
Well it is not worth buying with real money, just the guidance is enough to open the girls
Ok download the game and try it yourself and tell me
Monster Girl is the other version of Tales of Angels and Maidens Fantasy. The English language is not included in this app. It will download an additional 334.10 MB before playing the app. It has a login feature. It is an RPG, Raising Sims, Adventure, Idle, Bishoujo Android game with chibis fighting. Sexy characters appear in dialogues.
another game with big booba girls, idle and with a lot of things to buy but it's actually quite better than most booba games I've played back then
Rewards are nice, the light and dark characters are I guess the rare ones and you get 3 free character's that are kinds good actually, both of them being the light element, but it's on an event login thing so ig log in quickly
Getting the crystal to gacha is quite easy actually but the coin and exp to level ur characters are kinda harder for me, a lot of materials into your big booba girls are needed
You can't change the language though, in Chinese but with Japanese voicelines and never play this in public, the noises they make are
️ anyways this is quite a good game compared to the others I've played.
All 3 versions of this game went through censoring the designs of their characters without ever making a notice about it, since even this version did it dispite it being ok a year ago, i had to lower the ranking for a terribly bad choice. unless i hear they have reverted the changes i am done with this series of games.
I love the characters and interaction. love the game. keep it going
This the best competitor to how to raise a harem when it comes to lewdness. Really good art and a better game than how to raise a harem.
some of the lower quality characters are pretty good even of you dont have the dark/light characters. The part I like the most is that star ups change skin for the characters with l2d on all, so skins don't need to bought for l2d (something other gachas do).
There are enough activities in the game but it still doesn't take ling because of skip option and works well as an idle gacha game.
Definitely worth a try!
its a great game also fanservice top notch only thing i wish had is english tralation.
i like idle games like this, and the characters are pretty cute too; however, this one is very rough around the edges.
* the story is mid and just a copy of other isekai waifu app games (though with the theming of the game i dunno if people are downloading it for the story anyway)
* the connecting/loading screen with the shark girl pops up way too often and interrupts your playing
*sometimes you tap stuff and it just doesnt work or it'll register seconds later
* when you first download the game, it might not even let you in the first time so you have to close the game and try it again
* the language barrier is obviously another big problem, so I'd recommend downloading a competent on-screen translator before trying this game out. be warned though, aside from the abundance of fanservicey and sexual stuff, its just an okay game. it can be way much better than it is.
Same as Maidens Fantasy and Tales of Angels in other regions. If you're into the bishoujo collecting game genre you'll probably like this game but there's a lot of other games out there that are better than this one.
i played tales of angels earlier for the review. since this is the same game. it gets the same review. i ran out of things to do after about 2 hours. the game is boring and use the art to lure in people.
just another idle booba game, nothing special.
No story, repetitive gameplay, heavily pay to win. You know why you're here.
Apparently it's the same game as Tales of Angels and Maidens Fantasy, just different language. QooApp promoting this game hard y'all.
о боже как меня уже раздражают все люди, я не жалуюсь на жизнь, но меня некоторые люди уже настолько замотали, что хочу изолироваться ото всех
я теперь понимаю людей на месте которые в ахуе от неожиданного: "ты мне нравишься, вот у нас вроде даже вкусы совпадают и тд", а ты мне нет блять, мне пусто на твои признания, простите, но откуда такая смелость, у меня есть голова на плечах, мне не зачем общаться с тем, кто мне вообще не интересен во всем
как сказать человеку, что ты ему вообще не интересен, чтоб он не вскрылся и не убил меня за ответ
другие индивиды вообще пишут как ни в чем не бывало, мол напишу и все пройдет это так не работает, достали
дайте мне учебу закончить на красный диплом и жить свою жизнь