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Soul Faction Review(s)

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mpus dark Soul Faction


okay this game is fun, good for f2p
i just wanna say this game is play to win
play certain card x times from faction/booster
to get 1 ultra mythic of your choice
at event tab at top right screen
your main source for top tier OP card

there's 5 rarity with 5 symbol
common = white
epic = purple
rare = blue card are obtained via gift code only iirc
mythic = yellow
ultra mythic = red

craft system?
normal soul = to craft any rarity except blue
mythic core = to craft yellow and red rarity *keep them rn
ascension core = to craft upgraded ver for yellow and red rarity *keep them rn

there is 8 hero, each hero could bring 2 different colour type at your deck
example : lucifer holy/dark card etc

there's 5 colour type archetype
red : haste/fast can attack when summoned
blue : control type
green : ramping your mana
dark : revive
holy : heal

what to do as newbie? dont spent crystal at gatcha, use it to buy 2nd,3rd 4th prebuilt deck then buy campaign story for guarranted 2 ultra mythic 2 mythic and bunch of epic card when you clear it..
200 crystal = 1 unlock campaign
you get 500 crystal at day 2 login
and from monthly login
300 crystal = 2nd,3rd,4rd prebuilt deck
since the 1st one are free

priority order buy 2nd 3rd 4rd prebuilt deck
for clearing quest
all prebuilt deck is usefull but i recommend you
nyar, elf spam revive
lilith, voidborn red haste me go face
arthur, knight of round that get +1/+1 when other creature attk
brynhild, attk 7 times then summon god card
like thor
*just dont pick kyubi prebuilt

then buy
loki and hela campaign
coz OP finisher
the rest is up to you

input those gift code from pinned timeline
for a lot of pulls
you get more than 200 pulls
idk i forgot to count,

as f2p i managed
climbed to top 3 ranking by relying
low cost deck with haste + 1 free artifact
with effect gain 4 random ultra mythic if you dont have dupe ultra mythic in your deck,
as finisher

bot with fixed deck are plenty at low rank
at upper rank it is player only

there is arena/ similar like take 2
in shadowverse but it cost 5000 gold or 60 gems
you need 7 win for ROI

its big nah for me
5000 gold is worth 11 pull
450 per pull x 11= 4950
while any gems should be used for prebuilt and campaign for optimal choice as f2p

you could use gold to buy gears if you want your hero to be a playmaker
since you always draw it at turn1

life drain gear/ stealth is good tho

or gain +1 attk when creature ded paired
artifact paired
with regen 2 exclusive for dark hero only

transmigration gear is OP it give you 1 cost spell, target 1 ally creature when that creature died, it was sent to your deck/library instead
however it cost 7000 gold for each hero

each ranked wins gave you 800 gold
for the first 8 wins, reset daily
so 800x 8 = 1 day for 1 gear ez

discord? most ppl talk with cn i cant read cn
there's 260 member rn
i only joined for redeem code

reroll? you couldnt do it
except you are using clone app

bind system aint safe
3month ago i uninstalled
5 days ago i login with the same qooap account
cant login into my old account until today
phone broke? rip for your account
lets hope this dev will create bind system

cons = search card by name/trait feature is still buggy for en language
sort card by cost/faction/booster is my only frens rn.. ign is mayuzumi at top ladder if you are curious

edit : added discord link
corrected some stuff
Marcio Jr Soul Faction


A nice TCG game that works with slow internet speed (128kbps, satellite internet .

As always, there is a clear advantage to people who pay to play but good strategy and sometimes luck can overcome this obstacle, you'll receive a lot of freebies as soon as you log in sso you'll be able to set a decent deck right away, my tip for you is go focus on one color and buy the gear from the store to upgrade your hero from the get go, my suggestion is to go with nature (although I picked red since "me go face").

Overall it's a pretty decent TCG with an interesting "card shove" mechanic to allow for same turn actions (both players play at the same time).

However, I have to say, after playing for some time (15days) I start to think that the population isn't that high and that ladder has some "ranked bots" with fixed deck, this is kinda of a let down knowing that sometimes you're playing against bots but it's still fun and engaging, the best moments you'll have in this game is outplaying your opponent and then seeing him spam emotes, meaning that he's in fact a real player (or just someone who communicates).

One of the "problems I find in the game is that arena is limited time only, however it's somewhat "ok" seeing as it requires real players to compete and be a challenge if your timezone isn't ideal, I can just say...sorry (Mine is from around 4am to 8am...yikes).

P.S: Forgot to mention, some cards have broken English and sometimes the card clips through the screen and you can't read the information of the effect, those are minor problems that with time and experience you bypass it.
Also, immortal cards are bullshit.

P.P.S: If you have their official discord link, please share it since I can't find it anywhere.
Johπ Soul Faction


Elektroda weszła właśnie na nowy poziom. Założyłem konto bo miałem pytanie. Założyłem temat z pytaniem w Poczekalni (taki dział jak się nie wie gdzie założyć temat, to zakłada się w poczekalni i poczeka aż admin przeniesie sam do właściwego). Temat przeniósł jakiś admin do właściwego działu, a następnie inny admin usunął temat za zły dział xd
Japierdole co oni mają we łbach...
DK Z Soul Faction


It not bad game.Rewards and event give away free card by finish the task.It some time may lost connection duel battle.The art of card is nice too.I pretty like Lucifer girl version so i may stay a bit more time [色色].
Elessar Soul Faction


bueno, el juego prometia, hasta que te enfrentas al boss de capitulo 2 [ si, el 2 ] un dragon que aumenta el ataque cada 3 turnos, tiene reflejo de daño, pega en area; digamos que te limpia la mesa cada turno, y lo que sobrevive no dura mas alla de 2 turnos. el juego claremente te dice que pagues por packs de cartas raras y legendarias, porque la baraja de cartas que te dan son comunes que no valen para ese combate. y estoy hablando de un boss que sale pronto...
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