from ARGONAVIS – Kimi ga Mita Stage e Review(s)
people, who are complaining about it not being a rhythm game. are you slow? it was announced back in 2021 that kimisute will be a band raising game. not a rhythm one. why do you give bad ratings based only on your disappointment like the genre of the game was announced right before its release.
it's your average band raising sim, which is prioritizing story the most. the gameplay is ok and i kind of like it, not really my cup of tea but i'm immersed in this somehow. FORGOT TO MENTION that it's so refreshing to see a strategy-based band-raising game?? you have to use your brains and think of effective ways to earn yourself a high-grade character. this is so interesting!
it just launched. give it some time before calling it boring.
Story and Characters:
The main story is fully voiced. I can't fully read japanese tho so I can't comment on it but AAside's story was good so I assume it will be the same here. Also all of the boys are good looking and have interesting personalities so you'll eventually find someone that you'll like.
Argonavis Project's music are always bangers so no need to say more(if you don't believe me go give them a listen), the bgm in the main story is good too. Something unique in this game is we have different versions of each song like a demo version of them so you'll get to hear START LINE song get sung by other argo characters which is pretty cool.
UI and Live2D models:
The UI is really clean and I like it, it's easy to understand too since it has some english text on them so navigating menu's won't be difficult. The Live2D models are beautiful but I think they need a bit more polish and diversed expression/movements for the characters since they're lacking a bit.
This game is NOT a rhythm game like AAside was, instead this is a Raising sim and it works pretty similar to games like Uma Musume, Im@s Shiny Colors, Blue Lock PWC and even Mahoyaku so if you've played one of these games before you should be able to adapt pretty well imo.
Basically you will produce characters a lot inorder to use them in FES. You'll train your characters over and over to get better and better stats so you'll win more in the Fes mode which is the pvp in this game.
PS. Sorry if I confused you even more, I'm not really good at explaining things lol
Card artwork:
Honestly the initial cards looks pretty average to me but I'm hoping as time goes on the quality will improve. The Festival Kimono cards for Nayuta and Fuuta looked great tho. Also there's no untrained/trained artwork here like AAside, the card art here is more similar to Mahoyaku's card style.
Gacha rates:
3% SSR, 12% SR, 85% R with guaranteed SR card for every 10 pull, 300 gems needed for 1 pull and 3000 for 10 pull, also have 200 pulls spark/pity system.
TLDR; If you like the franchise and it's characters or raising sims in general then you should give the game a chance, it might take a while to get used to due to the changed gameplay type from AAside and the language barrier but once you do the game is honestly pretty fun BUT if you're looking for a rhythm game then you should look elsewhere since this is not a rhythm game.
Maybe because I loved aaside so much and waited for this game so long, because I love the project so much, because it's story and musics are so good...
AAside was a great game but had some issues, you'll know if you played it. Kimisute is so clean compared to aaside.
- UI, cards and 2d live is so pretty.
- I tried to play other raising games but couldn't play because I couldn't understand, but kimisute makes it easier with more English words on UI.
- You can still listen band's songs with extra or demo versions of them. and you can set them as bgm!! This is perfect for me. perfect for a music franshise.
- Story is top tier of course. you can find translations on Twitter easily. and it's not that long we only have two chapters right now.
- Gameplay is easy, it won't tire you. and it's not dull like I scared. Produce needs strategy. You can test your power in trial. in pvp mode you can play against other players and make your way in ranking. If you want to be higher in ranking you gotta produce. I'm in this phase right now... I gotta produce more...
I'm on rank 88 right now. I've played one week straight. I've played so much. and I'm still excited for the event that will be start today. I still want to play it more. It's a good, slow, cozy game.. out of the story tho...
блять, квартиры, срачки там блять, яхты, всё, мне похуй, хоть там
"Бэнтли", хоть блять нахуй "Майбах", хоть "Роллс-Ройс", хоть "Бугатти"
блять, хоть стометровая яхта, мне на это насрать, понимаешь? Сколько ты там, кого ебешь, каких баб, каких значит вот этих самок шикарных или
атласных, блять в космос ты летишь, мне на это насрать, понимаешь? Я,
блять, в своем познании настолько преисполнился, что я как будто бы уже сто триллионов миллиардов лет, блять, проживаю на триллионах и
триллионах таких же планет, как эта Земля, мне этот мир абсолютно
понятен, и я здесь ищу только одного, блять, - покоя, умиротворения и
вот этой гармонии, от слияния с бесконечно вечным, от созерцания
великого фрактального подобия и от вот этого замечательного всеединства существа, бесконечно вечного, куда ни посмотри, хоть вглубь - бесконечно малое, хоть ввысь - бесконечное большое, понимаешь? А ты мне опять со своим вот этим блять, иди суетись дальше, это твоё распределение, это твой путь и твой горизонт познания и ощущения твоей природы, он несоизмеримо мелок по сравнению с моим, понимаешь? Я как будто бы уже давно глубокий старец, бессмертный, ну или там уже почти бессмертный, который на этой планете от её самого зарождения, ещё когда только Солнце только-только сформировалось как звезда, и вот это газопылевое облако, вот, после взрыва, Солнца, когда оно вспыхнуло, как звезда, начало формировать вот эти коацерваты, планеты, понимаешь, я на этой Земле уже как будто почти пять миллиардов лет блять живу и знаю её вдоль и поперёк этот весь мир, а ты мне какие-то... мне похуй на твои тачки, на твои блять нахуй яхты, на твои квартиры, там, на твоё благо. Я был на этой планете бесконечным множеством, и круче Цезаря, и круче Гитлера, и круче всех великих, понимаешь, был, а где-то был конченым говном, ещё хуже, чем здесь. Я множество этих состояний чувствую. Где-то я был больше подобен растению, где-то я больше был подобен птице, там, червю, где-то был просто сгусток камня, это всё есть душа, понимаешь? Она имеет грани подобия совершенно многообразные, бесконечное множество. Но тебе этого не понять, поэтому ты езжай себе блять, мы в этом мире как бы живем разными ощущениями и разными стремлениями, соответственно, разное наше и место, разное и наше распределение. Тебе я желаю все самые крутые тачки чтоб были у тебя, и все самые лучше самки чтобы раздвигали ноги перед тобой, чтобы раздвигали перед тобой щели, на шиворот-навыворот, блять, перед тобой, как ковёр, это самое, раскрывали, растлевали, растлали, и ты их чтобы ебал до посинения, докрасна, вон, как Солнце закатное, и чтоб на лучших яхтах, и на самолётах летал, и кончал прямо с иллюминатора, и делал всё, что только в голову могло прийти и не прийти, если мало идей, обращайся ко мне, я тебе на каждую твою идею предложу сотню триллионов, как всё делать. Ну а я всё, я иду как глубокий старец, узревший вечное, прикоснувшийся к Божественному, сам стал богоподобен и устремлен в это бесконечное, и который в умиротворении, покое, гармонии, благодати, в этом сокровенном блаженстве пребывает,
вовлеченный во всё и во вся, понимаешь, вот и всё, в этом наша разница.
Так что я иду любоваться мирозданием, а ты идёшь преисполняться в ГРАНЯХ каких-то, вот и вся разница, понимаешь, ты не зришь это вечное бесконечное, оно тебе не нужно. Ну зато ты, так сказать, более активен, как вот этот дятел долбящий, или муравей, который очень активен в своей стезе, поэтому давай, наши пути здесь, конечно, имеют грани подобия, потому что всё едино, но я-то тебя прекрасно понимаю, а вот ты меня - вряд ли, потому что я как бы тебя в себе содержу, всю твою природу, она составляет одну маленькую там песчиночку, от того что есть во мне, вот и всё, поэтому давай, ступай, езжай, а я пошел наслаждаться нахуй, осенним закатом, на берегу южной реки. Всё, пиздуй-бороздуй, и я попиздил нахуй.
Overall, great game, it's only been 2 days but this is showing so much promise imo. Looking foward to spending a decade playing this KimiSute.
I've been a fan of ARGONAVIS project since December 2019, watching both the successes and failures of each of it's endeavours. That includes the (mostly failures) of the previous game, AAside, which I had a plethora of complaints about but played anyway because I love Fujin Rizing and GYROAXIA.
This is why I'm pleased to say that Kimisute has FAR exceeded my expectations, considering it has just released. The gameplay is exactly what you'd expect from a management game/raising sim. However, I generally have a short attention span when it comes to these types of games (*cough* enbasic *cough*), which is why I'm fascinated as to how Kimisute has been able to hold my attention for more than 2 milliseconds. The story and the music have always been good, and the fandom is alive and thriving, especially on Twitter. The game is generally very friendly towards English-speaking players, except it is rather story-based, for which you'll need to find translations. Once again, the fandom is alive and thriving on Twitter, translations are easy to find.
My only complaint is that the game is story-based in it's main "Produce" game mode. Sure, I can find translations on Twitter, but switching tabs between Twitter and game is not ideal, so I just end up selecting someone random. This either ends up completely destroying my main's mood or putting him in an inexplicably good one.
Other than that, considering it's just starting out, and ignoring the one bug I experienced (has since been fixed, thanks Ambition!), this game is perfect. No notes.
ชื่นชอบได้ (ไม่ใช่แนว Rhythm กดตามจังหวะแบบเก่าน้า) (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
- ข้อดีคือคนที่ไม่ค่อยมีเวลาเล่น หรือชอบความสบายสามารถเล่นได้ชิลๆ (เพราะระบบ Skip จัดเต็ม)
- ข้อเสียอาจจะน่าเบื่อสำหรับคนที่ไม่ชอบแนวนี้ และคนที่ชอบความท้าทาย
โดยส่วนตัวปกติก็ติดตาม GYROAXIA อยู่แล้ว จึงไม่มีปัญหาอะไรจ้า(*^3^)/~♡
The gameplay is about team training. You can choose your favorite units to train them (It's not a Rhythm game) (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
- The advantage is for people who don't have much time to play. Or if you like comfort, you can play and chill (because of the Skip system)
- May be boring for people who don't like this genre and people who like challenges
Personally, I normally favorite GYROAXIA band, so I don't have any problems. (*^3^)/~♡
The gameplay revolves around raising simulations. In other words, we train our boys and improve their abilities. I think this is a user-friendly game that excels in storytelling and music (this is referring to a review by RellikRika, which I find accurate). Despite the language barrier, with the support of the fandom, this game can gain more exposure and continue to develop further. I've read many complaints because it's not a rhythm game, but have you ever considered how expensive it is to create a rhythm game that stands the test of time? Even so, launching a game with striking design, an engaging storyline, music, and voice actors is quite costly. The most important part is the real support from the consumers.
I haven't played the first game, but I know it didn't fare well in the competitive market. The idol/music field is so saturated that finding something new requires a lot of creative considerations. And let's not forget the importance of the fans' support, because without exposure, this project won't last long. That's why it's encouraging to see that Argonavis is trying to attract the audience through their social media platforms. They have their music on Spotify and even upload their anime on their official channel. I perceive this as their desire to share what they've been creating for so long. Considering the challenges in creating a game, I'll continue playing and waiting for more engaging content, because without a solid story, they are just cute characters like anyone else.
I'm not sure if I can call this a review, but I wanted to share my perspective and also recommend an informative channel that talks about male seiyuu. It can help us better understand this realm of 2D projects.
Channel about male seiyuu and 2d groups: |
I have played games that are similar to this like promise of wizard aka mahayoku (LOVE THAT GAME SM) Yes, these types of games are usually boring cuz its just repeating and stuff but for me i love it alot!!
Played for about 6-7 hours on the first day its worth the time tho, the cards are really beautiful!! The one thing i kinda dislike about this game is that its pretty hard to earn gems.... U dont get gems in the story but in the pvp match, the gems they give is 100 if i remember correctly?? PLS CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG but other than that its pretty hard to grind
You have to keep raising your cards to get a better stat inorder to progress the game. As for events, the pt for the event cards is really high up JUST LIKE OTHER GAMES BUT LIKE you really have to grind your way to get to the top
Overall, if you are a person who never tried band raising games this is definitely the one for you to try!! Its easy but if you are confuse about the gameplay you can search them online for the english tutorials ^^ If you are a person who gets bored easily then maybe no... IT DEPENDS THO BUT ATLEAST TRY THIS GAME OUT
It refreshes monthly so make sure to exchange for those before the month ends. (I regret pulling coin gacha, got some animals for leveling up the cards, but you can get animals from PvP/Fes)
I won't started this game if not for my friend who likes Argonavis since before the first rhythm game released. I'm so glad for her that Argonavis is finally a game again.
Personally I don't like oresama characters, and holy heck Kanata is such a toxic brother. Characters aside, the game is just a rising sim, and you can use the training result for your PvP team. I wonder if there'll be events? and story-wise, uhm it's just a big tournament arc. Well, let's see how event story will be (if there'll be any)
That being said, even with all these lack of content and terrible reward system, i'm sure the game will survive for a long time. bushiroad does love to keep its music series going despite earning very low revenue (just look at revue and d4dj).