Punishing: Gray Raven | Bản Anh Review(s)

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Mohamed Kh_me Punishing: Gray Raven | Bản Anh


I never expected that...✨[賣萌]
✨It's my, all time, favorite game ❤️✨
I'm tired of all the games especially the traditional RPG system, bored background, card-restricted, focus on on the story, graphics, and aesthetics is meaningless🙄... without focusing on the player's interest...😤

If you are a fan of the giants Honka☺️i and Genshin impact🤩, you will absolutely love this game...🔥

The game focuses on the characters and your Gameplay skills, your speed and device strength, movement parity and characters...😯 with a solo play system and the best luck system 💖
The game is very beautiful and interesting. I consume more than 400 serums daily, and I feel that this is not enough to satisfy my thirst for it.🤪❤️🤭

If there is a deficiency in the game, it will be in the fact that ❗it is a game of missions and not an open world game❗...
This can be fixed through the event...
Then they can add a small and wonderful world with the ability to play online with your friends and add challenges...
Like an amusement park, the situation was sooooo great
I'm addicted to
💘Punishing Gray Raven💞
File_Archive Punishing: Gray Raven | Bản Anh



Punishing: Gray Raven Review

---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it

---{ Gameplay }---
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't

---{ Audio }---
☑ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf

---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☑ Grandma

---{ Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☑ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☑ Dark Souls

---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding

---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life

---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond

---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☑ 9
☐ 10
Ngacomix Punishing: Gray Raven | Bản Anh


TL;DR first, Punishing Gray Raven (PGR) is a hack and slash game with lots of enjoyable and challenging content. If you're into an action rpg or a difficult game, you should give it a try.

+ For mobile game, it's easily the best action rpg, or hack and slash game right now.
+ Kuro's (developer) standard keep going higher and higher between each update.
+ Keep getting QoL updates.
+ Modern graphics and good arts.
+ No complain from sound, Kuro is a music company in disguise. Have a lot of amazing BGM, beware of eargasm.
+ Decent story and a bit interesting to read.
+ Very nice, fast-paced, fun, and difficult gameplay. Also, PGR gameplay is using ping system which is unique.
+ Design, moveset, and story from characters and enemies are also unique, awesome, and interesting.
+ Ignoring in-game terms, majority of PGR characters are all about machine, robot, frame, or whatever you call it. Worth to noted because some peoples are into this or maybe just looking for something different.
+ Have male playable characters. Also, some character frame are very fun to use because of their complexity. E.g. Roland, Wanshi, Changyu, etc.
+ Slow powercreep, but some character frames are broken.
+ Start from story chapter 12, boss battles are very fun (and pain). Also, i don't want to spoiler, it will have an experience like a PS4 game later [開心]
+ Have lots of content and feature, tho that's mostly one time rewards or just a bunch of useless (ofc include coop and collectible).
+ Not much using reuse asset.
+ Grinding and farming are easy, despite there are several time-gated issues.
+ Can be played as a very casual or competitive.
+ Rush update, more enjoyment to play, but less resources. Tho it's not affects much, and cmiiw they compensate with often release mini events or give freebies just from doing login.
+ A bit F2P friendly. All of one time contents can be clearable as a F2P. Tho it's impossible to get everything in game too, better to know your priorities first.
+ Skins are nice. Even, some free skins have a different effect and animation like the paid one.
+ Kuro do proper collab and not far from their game theme for right now. It already have a collab with Nier and soon CN version with Black Rock Shooter. BTW, Nier collab characters are success and well designed.

- PGR is a modern game, it's more suitable on PC. Also, it will have a PC version later (maybe on 2023).
- Heavy game for mobile, so need proper device to play. Tho my old phone can still run PGR.
(Ahem~ who asking [白眼])
- Monotone and repetitive, classic problems of heavy game. Also, the game and update size are very big.
- Easily to get bored, but looking for active guild or community can eased it.
- Ping system have a drawback, so the gameplay have a RNG aspect.
- Difficult gameplay, so it's challenging and frustrating for player to get the hang of it.
- Thanks to the difficulty, some peoples and newbies are ragequit and leave a bad taste for the game. Please gitgud or at least reach far in story chapter first, duh [發困]
- Being a P2P or whaler, it means reducing the difficulty and challenging aspects of the game, so be aware of it if you're looking for hard gameplay or maybe just play with handicap.
- Competitive is basically a whale fest and the game itself have many benefits for whaler. Hmm, kinda normal and understandable.
- More like a solo player game, multiplayer in this game is not much useful.
- Coop content is not rewarding much on higher difficulty. Picking an easier coop boss with lowest difficulty is the best choice imo.
- Can be very grindy. *cough* Story chapter 13, Norman content, Selena's summer event, Recitavivo, etc.
- Recent minigames and outside of normal gameplay events are too difficult and not fun. Combine with my previous statement, I guess they're not sincere to give rewards anymore.
- Enemies are very dummy sometimes, especially on War Zone (one of competitive content on PGR).
- Back to the story, they using a lot of difficult words, long sentences, and lacking of efforts for storytelling. So, it feels more like reading a novel. Good for insomnia peoples i guess [睡覺]


Extra, if you're looking a mobile game which have similar gameplay and difficulty like PGR, tho it's not much, i'm recommend to try :
• Honkai Impact 3 (HI3), an obvious choice and older than PGR. The game have better storytelling, graphic, also waifu characters, despite the remaining aspects feels weak compared to PGR.
• Guardian Tales, despite the game is a pixel game, it have a similar manual gameplay, pack of challenge, and can be very difficult.
TheCringe Punishing: Gray Raven | Bản Anh


After playing this game for a couple of months, I think it's time for an honest review.

PGR is, at its core, a 3d hack n' slash where you use characters to fight enemies within a closed stage/arena. Entering stages requires stamina and getting characters is acquired through a gacha system.

-The story is interesting

-The graphics is very customizable. You can tweek the graphics, resolution, fps limit, and the amount of effects displayed. This makes the game very compatible with a low-end phone.

-The sound design and character voice acting is amazing, the background music in particular is REALLY good.

-The gacha is very f2p friendly where you can get every single newly released character (100% rate) if you manage your currency right. However that estimation doesn't apply if you are pulling for their respective signature weapon

-The gameplay is fast paced (takes 5 minutes to clear most stages) with a big enough time limit (10 minutes) for stage clearing. The total time you play for a day is about 15-60 minutes for each account

-The gameplay mechanics is interesting. You get one of three colored "orbs" from doing a few basic attacks and each orb color represents skills. You can dodge enemy attacks up to 4-5 times represented by a dodge meter, which continuously regenerates over time.

-Enemies hit hard and bosses hit harder, requiring you to get skilled at the game in order not to die.

-They add a new character, enemies, game modes, and story chapter, every monthly update.

-The skins, though not needed, are pretty costly(skins with no effects on skill graphics will have cheaper prices in the near future). Skins that change visual effects are well worth the dime considering they look pretty darn good.

-There is no PvP, however the PvE and co-op stages "can" be competitive at times.
ĐánhGiáDạo Punishing: Gray Raven | Bản Anh


Đối với tôi:
- Đồ họa: 4/5
- Âm thanh: 4/5
- Gameplay: 3.5/5
- Câu truyện: 3.5/5
Trò chơi đã làm rất tốt thiết kế về đồ họa cũng như âm thanh, có một câu truyện dễ hiểu, tuy nhiên, tôi cảm thấy khá tù túng khi chơi game: tôi ko có quá nhiều thứ để làm, ngoại trừ vòng lặp về farm đồ trong game và nâng cấp, đến thời điểm hiện tại, tôi chưa thấy chế độ chơi nào khác ngoài lặp đi lặp lại việc tiêu diệt kẻ địch. Thế giới game chưa được chăm chút về độ "mở của thế giới và map"- so sánh với HI 3rd. Cốt truyện được truyền tải khá rời rạc, chưa thể làm cho tôi chú tâm, chưa đủ cuốn hút tôi tìm hiểu. Cơ chế combat khá nghèo nàn, chưa đa dạng về kiểu combo.
Nói chung, tôi khá hài lòng về chất lượng của game, nhưng chỉ dừng lại ở mức tối thiểu. Sau khi dành nhiều thời gian cho game, tôi nhận thấy nhà phát triển chưa chú tâm vào phát triển cho game, chưa tạo được sức hút đáng kể đối với người chơi.
Nero Ashari Punishing: Gray Raven | Bản Anh


Nunca pensé que un juego me enamoraría tanto como este... Excelentes mecanicas de juego, un combate rápido reminiscente al de algunos de los mayores exponentes del Hack-n-Slash, una fanbase sólida y acogedora, con desarrolladores al pendiente de la comunidad y dispuestos a experimentar y quebrar el molde cuantas veces sean necesarias para mejorar la inmersión... Una historia envolvente, la cual no deja de atraparte cada vez más que lo juegas... Y ni hablar de lo justo del gacha, siendo muchísimo más amigable que el gacha promedio.

Mi mayor queja es que la cantidad límite de suero (Serum) se qetiene en 160, y es una miseria que no te deja hacer mucho para grindear, hacer eventos, y avanzar en la historia a un paso seguro sin recurrir a ser un P2W. Y los precios de algunos elementos con un valor monetario real son bastante elevados... Pero en general, es perfecto!
Charlz Luciano Punishing: Gray Raven | Bản Anh


Отличный слэшер на мобильной платформе. Краткий синопсис. Бурное развитие привело человечество в Золотой Век, который закончился появлением вируса. Он смертелен для людей и вносит в микросхемы определённые изменения, отключая у устройств систему свой/чужой и делая их крайне агрессивными. Под натиском взбуновавшихся андроидов и машин, человечество вынуждено сбежать с планеты на корабле, который планировался для освоения космоса и зависнуть на орбите. Оттуда остатки человечества регулярно засылают на Землю отряды андроидов с командиром человеком. Из глаз такого человека-командира мы и наблюдаем историю одного из отрядов "Серый Ворон". Кто поискушённей в видеоразвлечениях уже чувствует нотки вселенной Nier Automata и параллели между этими играми очевидны. Если вы знакомы с игрой Ёко Таро, то обязательнл попробуйте эту игру. Если не понимаете о чём речь, идём дальше. Punishing Gray Raven - динамичный, бодрый слэшер. Система комбинаций, различные задания, особенное место в сердечке - возможность играть и разносить врагов за босса главы, которую ты только что прошёл и увидеть историю из его глаз. Геймплей отличный и скиллозависимый, играть интересно и для любителей слэшеров эта игра - обязательна к ознакомлению. Но главный плюс и изюминка этой игры - отличная история и прописанная вселенная. Здесь есть очень интересные и необычные вбросы, такие как андроиды под Мурманском, которые для передвижения по снегу модифицировали себя дополнительной парой ног (а-ля кентавры) или поезд-государство, что никогда не останавливается и бороздит по Земле. Есть здесь и брошенный на произвол при отступлении отряд военных, которые вопреки всему выжили и теперь вынуждены влачить своё существование на заполненой агрессивными механизмами Земле. И я ещё не слова ни сказал про основную историю, которая так же полна интересными моментами. И так как это гача надо замолвить словечко о донате. Он очень щадяший и абсолютно не обязательный, тк игра опирается на скилл игрока. Донат лишь облегчает тебе игру, снижая уровень сложности в ноль и убивает удовольствие от идеально нажатых комбинаций. Ну и косметос можно покупать, что естественно, никак не сказывается на игре. И никаких просмотров рекламы для получения донатной валюты нет. Ещё в PGR, как и во многих гачах есть общежитие, которое выполнено в 3д, можно вращать камеру, декорировать, тыкать в вайфу, шыварять их на кровати/диваны/столы, кому что больше по душе, всё по фен-шую. Подводя итог - достойный слэшер на мобильные устройства, который обязательно надо попробовать тем, кто любит играть и погружаться в игры, а не собирать три в ряд.
Yorudan Punishing: Gray Raven | Bản Anh


We all know that Honkai is arguably one of the best ARPG out there but PGR is an absolute rival!
if you love HI3RD and wanna try something new then PGR is absolutely a must try. Characters rely more on their inherent skills (in-game name Orb Ping) rather than having to get a full set of 'stigmata' passives like in HI3rd.

'Conciousness' (in-game name for the "stigmata") have great boost for characters but it doesn't make them rely on them too much or a must have full set.

The soundtracks are amazing and suite the game atmosphere of a post apocalyptic world while also being that modern cyber-esque feeling.

Events are fun and they also give quite a boost for new comers!

Its definitely worth a try for both new to the ARPG genre or veterans alike!
JoeBacu Punishing: Gray Raven | Bản Anh


Nhìn chung thì game ổn, game sẽ khá khó để làm quen nếu như bạn từ HI qua, vì giờ sẽ không thể spam dodge mà phải tính toán để kích skill cho hợp lí. Bộ kĩ năng và effects cũng khá đa dạng và đẹp mắt. Dàn nhân vật thì khỏi nói, ngoại hình nhìn chỉnh chu, chất lượng, mỗi nhân vật đầu được đầu tư về mảng voice (quy tụ dàn seiyuu nổi tiếng như Ishikawa Yui, Kayano Ai, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka,...) và backstory của từng nhân vật cũng khá cuốn và có chút đượm buồn. Story chính thì mang nhiều chất dark của thể loại game lấy cốt truyện hậu tận thế, cách con người sống sót và sinh tồn trong một thế giới nằm dưới sự kiểm soát của những cỗ máy, cách họ chia bè phái, lập ra những cộng đồng nhỏ tách biệt, hay tạo ra những dạng Construct để trấn áp đám máy móc Corrupted. Về những phần khác của game, thì do mới được du nhập làm bản Global, cho nên game mới chỉ dừng ở chỗ vừa đủ, ban đầu thì hơi thiếu content để chơi, và hơi hardcore để farm đồ, thì giờ đây với tần suất ra event liên tục thì game cũng có nhiều cải tiến, nội dung cốt truyện mới, chế độ game mới, và nhân vật mới để người chơi có thể trải nghiệm nhiều thứ hơn. Nói chung là hay, và mình sẽ tiếp tục gắn bó với con game này lâu dài
Vẫn còn một vài điểm nhỏ cần phải chê. Đầu tiên là dù có dàn seiyuu chất lượng đấy, nhưng thực sự những nhân vật có thời gian được "nói" quá ít, bạn gần như chỉ có thể ngồi nghe mọi thứ seiyuu yêu thích của bạn nói thông qua việc bonding với các Construct. Cốt truyện game thì có tiềm năng đấy, nhưng hiện tại thì cách phát triển cốt truyện vẫn chưa mạch lạc, sẽ làm người chơi thấy khá khó hiểu và ít thấy lôi cuốn hơn. Hiện tại thì, so với vài game cùng thể loại, game này nên bổ sung thêm cutscene, như lần mà Lucia Plume đánh nhau với Qu, đây cũng chỉ là quan điểm cá nhân, có người sẽ thấy không thích, nhưng riêng mình lại rất ấn tượng những đoạn như vậy. Một điểm nữa là chế độ Co-op, thông thường Co-op chỉ có mỗi chế độ raid boss, nhưng thực sự mình thấy, phần Border Pact cũng hoàn toàn có thể làm thành Co-op, khi chia mỗi người chơi ra một khu vực khác nhau với những objectives khác nhau, có thể sẽ giúp làm đa dạng hơi trong việc tương tác giữa người chơi và cách họ hoạt động nhóm.
Đến đây thôi, tóm gọn lại là đối với một người như mình thì game vẫn hay, đáng chơi, và chắc chắn mình sẽ gắn bó với nó lâu dài
P/s: Còn một điểm mình chưa kịp chê là rate gacha con game này đôi khi hơi ảo lòi, nhưng do có hệ thống guarantee và rate up nên thôi tạm bỏ qua :vvv
イチ様 Punishing: Gray Raven | Bản Anh


surprsignly good. The MC doesn't have a mentioned gender so you can RP as a harem protagonist whether you're a man OR woman.

It's kinda like Honkai but with dudes and robot waifus/husbandos.

The story is really interesting and I found myself super into it. Its very F2P friendly. You can go through the whole story with the 3 characters you got for free + char of choice that you get as a new player. But, you're def gonna have to pull for weapons... However, if you're a story whore like me, the gacha is no problem. As soon as you hit that wall of not being able to progrees, you've already got 40 pulls saved up.
Also, if you're not a story whore and just wants gameplay, you're gonna have to pull for new characters bc many of the perm content requires multiple characters to complete. Even then, they're usually easy to get imo. Just have patience and don't pull impulsively.

The gameplay is simple but interesting enough to not be boring, and the character designs are GORGEOUS. But, Imma be honest... The only characters I really like AS characters is Lucia, Lee and Liv. The rest either makes me roll my eyes in exasperation or groan in despair from having to read their dialogue... They all look great tho so, If you're looking for some eye candy, this is your stop.

Great game! def give it a try.
destru Punishing: Gray Raven | Bản Anh


el juego es una maravilla diria yo me envicie bastante con este pero recientemente para no decir hoy me paso algo raro y me desconecto del servidor no le di importancia porque bueno se supone que los servidores son en norte-america pero cuando trate de reconectarme me rechazo y me dijo que si queria volver a intentar loguearme (mi ingles no es muy bueno asi que quiza malentendi) le dije que si y me reinicio el juego todo parecia normal hasta que le di a iniciar y pues me volvio a poner en la introduccion

edit: despues de unas horas jugando recuperé 4 dias de esfuerzo perdido en tan sólo un dia xd y de hecho me fue mejor con lo que aprendi
Oberon2k Punishing: Gray Raven | Bản Anh


!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!Super hot Waifus and fun gameplay i don't what else you need !!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!
『Awitah』 Punishing: Gray Raven | Bản Anh


En definitiva una joya. La historia esta muy entretenida, el gameplay esta muy bien y si eres f2p es bastante fácil conseguir cualquier personaje y armarlo.

A veces los ataques en el gameplay van muy rápidos y no me entero de lo que está pasando xd, solo se hace un evento al mes lo que me parece algo aburrido pero es comprensible. Me gustaría que le metieran una traducción al español para aquellas personas que no llevan un inglés muy avanzado pudiesen enterarse bien, pero a parte de eso el juego está muy bueno y claro que recomiendo [鬼臉]
Yuri Punishing: Gray Raven | Bản Anh


gonna leave an honest review for this game
first of all it has one of the best combat styles I've seen so far

one of my favorite things about it is the fact that weapons aren't limited to only 3 or 4 types , almost every new character has their own unique weapon and combat style

(if i didnt have 5 other games on my phone i would try cn version but what can i do? i have to wait for maybe a year or more to get new stuff that are already released in cn , ig thats one thing you should know too )

story is fine too , might be a little boring if u dont like reading that much , theres no voice for the story

but the music is sooo fine like sometimes i open the game just to listen to the bgm

*you can't whale your way in this game tho , u actually need skills to be on top but dw u can still enjoy the game even if u dont have that much experience with combat

*most importantly, the game is very f2p friendly, weekly rewards are just enough and events are kinda generous too ,not just giving you enough pulls but other materials u need

u dont need to spend hours to finish your daily or weekly tasks,around 15 min and you're already done with the day wich can also be a bad thing ..there's not much endgame content

about pulling system ,gotta say it's quite generous
30 pitty for weapons? come on ive never seen a good weapon banner its always a scam but in pgr i can pull weapons without being worried that much and also u can just get 5* weapons at shop or by doing coop for a f2p u dont need weapon banner that much
as for characters, A ranks are always guaranteed when they're new so dont forget to get them because in this game no matter what rank your character is they can all be strong if u build them correctly!
anyway , the gacha system is really f2p friendly ofc it still depends on your luck but I'd say its not a scam

*personally i dont clear coop stages everyday, if u like coop part of the game more than anything then u will be disappointed, it still works but they need to work on it more

*keep in mind this is only my personal experience ,u can read others opinions too and decide for yourself*
cluelessowain Punishing: Gray Raven | Bản Anh


This game continues to amaze me. Honestly, graphics and mechanics pretty much top tier, and I'm even saying that as someone who played honkai, which is what people usually compare this with. Mechanics may be complicated in the beginning but they become instinctive when you get the hang of it. The game isn't too easy either (I guess unless you're a whale) so it makes it pretty fun. As for the story, it could use some work -- it's pretty average.

For the gacha rolling aspect, spark is nicely and godly low (only 60 pulls for assured S Construct banner unit; 30 pulls for pity 6-star weapon) which already makes it pretty worth to play. Just make sure that if you're f2p or even a dolphin, I'd suggest going for construct banners with 60 to spark rather than taking a huge gamble for the 90 to spark. Pity/Spark count also carries over to the next banner of the same type.

There's also reasonable currency gain (around 5k a month minimum), and so far, all A Construct units have been completely free (of course, as long as you grind for their shards).

The game is pretty chill. Each banner lasts a month, along with the event stages they come with. New S constructs, based on how the schedule is currently now, seems to appear every 2 months. So in the middle is pretty quick day-to-day grinding (likely opening the game 2 times a day, around 15-30 minutes each session), and event clearing.

Be sure however, that your phone can actually run this game. It has considerably high graphics so if your device is pretty low end, then there's really nothing you can do about that (of course it won't work/be laggy/heat up, etc). Except maybe go use a different device or an emulator. If you do have the device to run it, then you can at least try this game out. You'd actually feel rewarded to grind compared to what several games put us gacha players through.
kritbualad Punishing: Gray Raven | Bản Anh


ก็ถือว่าสนุกดีนะ คล้ายๆ Honkai Impact 3 เลย เกมนี้คือเกมจีน มีทั้งเสียงพากย์จีน และ ญี่ปุ่น อนาคตอยากให้มีซับภาษาไทยด้วยจะดีมากเลยครับ อ่านอังกฤษออกอยู่แล้วละ 5555+


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