The game seems familiar...
Graphics - it is good
Sounds - it's good too
Gameplay - the HP/MP/TP system is ok balances the game i guess.
Storyline - i can't read 100% Japanese but I'm willing to endure it (feels like my FFIV JP run ages ago, trial and error mode... let's go !
• level up system is controlled too, you get to pick who to level up and when xD but you have to farm the experience by battling multiple times
Value - as usual anything playable offline is 5* for me, saves me from using mobile data or when WiFi isn't available.
Overall i find the game exciting, hope i can progress forward more in the game.
Oh it feels a lot like Lufia series i think... :D
Try it and experience it xD
More Reviews of This Game เพิ่มเติม
4.0The game seems familiar... Graphics - it is good Sounds - it's good too Gameplay - the HP/MP/TP system is ok balances the game i guess. Storyline - i can't read 100% Japanese but I'm willing to endure it (feels like my FFIV JP run ages ago, trial and error mode... let's go ! • level up system is controlled too, you get to pick who to level up and when xD but you have to farm the experience by battling multiple times Value - as usual anything playable offline is 5* for me, saves me from using mobile data or when WiFi isn't available. Overall i find the game exciting, hope i can progress forward more in the game. Oh it feels a lot like Lufia series i think... :D Try it and experience it xD