☞ รุ่นอื่น ๆ: อังกฤษ

I'm not quite sure if this will reach anyone but I'm currently looking for a friend or two... or more!
I really love Blue Lock, Music Projects (Milgram, Denonbu, Paralive, etc.), majority of popular idol rhythm games, and Utaite. I'd like to get into more games or manga. I'm a huge fan of Hoshino Gen btw
As of right now, the only platform I have are Discord and Instagram. If you'd like to be friends then please put your username down. Thank you so much~

as a f2p (not by choice) I can only rely on my gacha luck and constant grind most of the time. thank the great seven I got super lucky on malleus's bday! took me only 30 rolls to get his card, which is insanely early, but I'm certainly not complaining. he's so pretty and his groovy also looks amazing!!! happy bday tsunotarou