NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja Blazing | ญี่ปุ่น
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja Blazing
นักพัฒนา: GREE Inc

Well, here is my Blazing account before the game shuts down.. Played for 2 years and F2P, My account is probably trash but whatever its not like it matters now . R.I.P Naruto Blazing

Netizen (Twitter @a2twilldraw) drew Sasuke in 9 styles!
(The centre one is the netizen's own style)
Some netizens claim that Sasuke in AOT style looks like a sub character that you won't remember his name.
Some of the other netizens claim that Sasuke in JOJO style looks like a villain character that will only appear in one chapter/episode.