☞ รุ่นอื่น ๆ: จีนดั้งเดิม
A group of aspiring idols gather at Takanashi Productions and are entrusted with the company's future. The seven men who have just met represent a variety of totally different personalities. However, they each have their own charm and possess unknown potential as idols. Forming a group, they take their first step together as "IDOLiSH7." Their brilliantly shining dancing forms onstage eventually begin captivating the hearts of the people. In the glorious but sometimes harsh world of idols, they aim for the top with dreams in their hearts!
Click here to the official website of IDOLiSH7: link
Click here to the official twitter of IDOLiSH7: link
I'm not quite sure if this will reach anyone but I'm currently looking for a friend or two... or more!
I really love Blue Lock, Music Projects (Milgram, Denonbu, Paralive, etc.), majority of popular idol rhythm games, and Utaite. I'd like to get into more games or manga. I'm a huge fan of Hoshino Gen btw
As of right now, the only platform I have are Discord and Instagram. If you'd like to be friends then please put your username down. Thank you so much~
Drama Collection Event with Yuki