Caligula2 is an RPG developed by FURYU Corporation for mobile. This is a sequel of the 2016 version Caligula, the game has a unique battle system and developed by a VOCALOID producer. The game presents a virtual alternative high school life. 

The word Caligula refers to a psychological terms, Caligula effects, and it means the guilt and excitement that comes with doing something that you shouldn't do. All characters has different kind of mental illnesses.

There will be famous VOCALOID producer such as kemu, Ayase, Neru feature in this game and produce songs for the characters. 

Official Japanese website: https://www.cs.furyu.jp/caligula2/
QRCode Caligula2 卡里古拉2 กำลังติดตั้งบนอุปกรณ์ของคุณ FURYU Corporation

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