Cytoid: A Community Music Game รีวิว

анчоус Cytoid: A Community Music Game


это конечно всё хорошо, но по-моему легче бошку живого гуся к оленю пришить, чем сыграть в это, не потеряв комбо.
Itamie Sakome Game Hunter Cytoid: A Community Music Game


Très bon jeu de rythme mélange entre cytus et osu, dur à prendre en main pour les novice du genre. Sinon jeu très cool avec la possibilité de jouer des musiques créer par la communauté ce qui augmente la note. Si vous aimez les jeu de rythmes je vous le conseil.
AlyneM Game Hunter Cytoid: A Community Music Game


Actually pretty fun. Like others said, it's Cytus and Osu out together. Surprisingly, the gameplay itself responds pretty well.

Beatmaps atm have a lot of Japanese, electronic songs (dubstep, trap, etc), and piano songs. You normally wouldn't find the usual copyright english songs, probably because of the copyright they make you agree to before joining the community. The best you could find of them are remixes.
At the moment this review was made, a lot of the recent beat maps are 15+ difficulty. If you want easier ones, there's a sort and search function because those 15 diff are not a joke xD This game is less forgiving than Cytus
If I understood correctly, you can also download some Cytoid beatmaps from Google.

Great music art found by the community, a lot of nice songs; I'd say give it a try if you like rhythm games.
Relia Cytoid: A Community Music Game


Sirl Cytoid: A Community Music Game


solo voy a decir algo exelente muy bueno es un buen juego con mucho futuro si sigue asi va a llegar a muchas mas personas
Zehndo Cytoid: A Community Music Game


I have been playing cytoid for around 2 or 3 years I love the game, it deserves more support, the charters are so creative and most maps are a lot of fun. I played the halloween interference event and didnt get the character(needed to beat a 10 star, not so hard rn[發火]) I loved, so I just started playing it more.[鬼臉]
kio Cytoid: A Community Music Game


its an awesome game. at first i thought its just a cytus clone, however you can download fanmade beatmaps too, beatmaps by the community. even creating one! it adds a little flavour to the game. but thats really just it, its still fun to play though, i reccomend!
SetsunaX Cytoid: A Community Music Game


[🌧️;; I Love You More Than Any Blue Sky]

Si llegaste hasta a este juego probablemente ya conozcas los 2 juegos de la saga Cytus (Cytus & Cytus II) pero si no los conoces te hare aquí una explicación breve: Cytus es una saga de juegos para android y IOs q se basa en completar diferentes canciones para averiguar una interesante historia sobre un mundo futurista. Ahora q sabes mas menos de lo q trata Cytus te preguntaras "¿porq me explicas esto?" y es porq este juego es básicamente Cytus solo q aquí no hay historia y los niveles los crea la comunidad (algo así como osu o opsu)

El gameplay es exactamente igual al de Cytus pero no por eso es malo, lo malo es el uso q le da la comunidad. Hay muchos niveles cuyo gameplay no va al ritmo de la música (lo cual obviamente no deberia ocurrir teniendo en cuenta q este es un juego de RITMO) pero eso es lo unico malo q le pude encontrar en mis 4 meses jugando.

La música de los niveles (ya sea musica original o sacada de internet) es bastante buena y hay un catálogo muy grande de canciones gracias a q el juego tiene una comunidad generalmente activa. De vez en cuando no podrás encontrar canciones nuevas asiq tendras q descargarlas desde google (lo cual para mi no es tan malo y hace q parezca cada vez mas un opsu pero de mejor calidad [汗顏]) a menos q quieras seguir jugando las mismas canciones una y otra vez.

- Sinceramente no se q mas decir y solo espero q le des una oportunidad a esta genial aplicación, mi nombre es SetsunaYuki y nos vemos luego! 🌧️
BerryJam Cytoid: A Community Music Game


Graphics just fantastic. The sound? Well... depends on the uploaded beat map. But the menu's sound is well made. Gameplay experience is fun. I'm a beginner though. Although I can't get a full score and level 15 and above is simply torture but hey, you don't die halfway of the song except that one mode to score above 90% to change partner. This game doesn't have storyline. It's a rhythm game. However, even without it, the game has its charms.
JuuSan (じゅ) Cytoid: A Community Music Game


its good but the thing is i cant log in it always says captcha verification failed
Igami Cytoid: A Community Music Game


Gameplay just like Cytus, even the menu backsound similar to Cytus music theme. It is a community game just like osu!

It's just OK
Миджирлинг Дагенхарт Cytoid: A Community Music Game


Отличная ритм-игра для телефонов.
giovanni difidi Cytoid: A Community Music Game


this game is the best of beats games and it's very funny, but some songs like cradles are missing and I don't know how they can be added to the community. in the end, the game is good, good work!!
ミズ Cytoid: A Community Music Game


Yukko Cytoid: A Community Music Game


I've been long addicted to this. It's so time consuming, yet frustrating I'm still stuck on Training Mode, but still very fun! I've always wanted to play Osu! yet here it is! *。٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧*。
NRBAjax Cytoid: A Community Music Game


không có tiền mua Cytus II nên chơi tạm Cytoid :))
Trungo Cytoid: A Community Music Game


A great rythm game that has Cytus and Osu! gameplay.
lll Cytoid: A Community Music Game


游戏判定对新手来说是很严的,但是新手可以开u判(practice mode)后面适应了打r判就不会感觉挫败了,要慢慢来()
Hi Cytoid: A Community Music Game


just read the proper review above dont mind this one
Kez Cytoid: A Community Music Game


an awesome game! if u like cytus or community games, u should try this game


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