Tales of Luminaria | อังกฤษ รีวิว

Remsirp Tales of Luminaria | อังกฤษ


Edit : The game had been shutdown. T.T

The game is not landscape, that caught me offguard.

You cannot rotate the camera so you need to get used to it. Someone tell me that the language option is either choose sub&dub both english or both japanese.

When i first open the game, it told me to chose to download basic data (around 500mb) or 1.5 gb for episode story. There is some character that i assume
still doesn't have a story yet.

The gameplay is quite good. what you can do in the game right now is either play the story stage for each character or play multiplayer event.

The gatcha is about clothes and weapon, it will increase character exp and weapon level if you already had it.

For the story, the character monologue sometimes made me feel goosebumbs and want to throw my headset but somehow i manage to bear it. [耍帥]
LinoTheDog Tales of Luminaria | อังกฤษ


As seen in my rating(ranting) most of the games gfx, sound, storyline are good but can't speak for value because i don't spend money on gacha games. There's a VERY BIG Problem the Gameplay which is the thing 90% of the time we would do OBVIOUSLY it's a video-game which they F***ED UP. It's on a Portrait mode which is ok if this game is like Dragalia Lost or Shiro Neko Project but no they have full models not chibis the Cameras POV is gruesome it's on 3rd Person not Overheard like on DL or SNP. Not to mention u can't fit allies or foes on screen can't see enemies if they are going to atk there are red lines but that's shit it isn't enough just to react to enemy movements. If this game is like PGR, Honkai, even the stupid GI a single character but can change units from time to time it's somewhat fine but nope, 3 units it is. It's like this game created to be the worst possible "Warriors"(Dynasty, Orochi, Samurai etc.) game put it on phone just to toture "Tales of" simps i think Crestoria is better than this, no Crestoria, Rays is the holy grail. Look at "Dynasty Warriors: Unleashed"(but i love Basara better) on Android the execution is better because of the PoV and Orientation i know some may hate it if you're coming from the original console game but this compromise is good because we can have a great view, feel and reaction on this fights. I really want this game to succeed because i did love "Tales of" as an RPG even though i've ever finished is Phantasia, Zestiria and i almost finish Vesperia... Maybe, the sad truth is that classic RPG IPs like are really DYING the only thing they want is the Monetization not the Innovation like remember FF6, FF7 back in the days or like Pokémon 2nd Gen i consider the VERY PEAK of pokemon in terms of innovation, gameplay, gfx despite using GBC but now we have FFBE, Pokémon Masters so on of gachas.

TL;DR: Not my orientation and PoV needs to change for stable gameplay.
beta zest Tales of Luminaria | อังกฤษ


*Games review :

Games : Tales of Luminaria
Language : English
Size : 2.5GB
Price : Free
Platform : Android, IOS
Download :
Coming Soon

🌟Graphic 4/5
🌟Sound 4/5
🌟Gameplay 4/5
🌟Storyline 4/5

Overoll 4/5 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Tales of Luminaria [Episode Leo+Final Boss] Gameplay :

Keyword :
#Actionrpg #mobilegames
#TOLUMINARIA #TalesOfLuminaria
Пользователь Google Tales of Luminaria | อังกฤษ


Достаточно динамичная игра с неплохой графикой , хорошими звуками и непривычным управлением. Сюжетные линии тут разнообразны у всех противников есть своя механика, из-за чего тут нельзя просто так игнорировать каждого .
Уровни коридорные, тем не менее даже с ними придётся повозиться чтобы найти фрагменты.
Герои все доступны, однако без прохождения сюжетной линии от них пользы мало, ведь опыт капает только с убийства монстров.
Гача щедрая в плане шанса выпадения разноцветных камней, а вот сами камни редко дают предметы 5*, в основном 4*.
Получение фрагментов только из сюжета и открываемых секретных миссий. Ну и достижений. Однако на дальнейшее развитие получение пропадает, кроме 5 штук за ежедневные задания.

Играть стоит однако после прохождения сюжетных линий делать в игре нечего.
Trần Hoàng Minh Cương Tales of Luminaria | อังกฤษ


Game gacha dễ ra 5* và kiếm đá cực dễ.
21 characters, mỗi character lại có một cách chơi riêng, rất mới mẻ.
Story hay và chia theo từng character, chơi cuốn hút.
Ae nào chơi thì vô guild VietNam của mình nhé, cày event cho dễ =))
David.Sanchez.R. Tales of Luminaria | อังกฤษ


Me gusta el juego ya que es entretenido y diverdido de jugar, pero deberian de poner cámara libre para que los jugadores no se les dificulte jugar, ya que es demadiado incomodo jugar sin poder mover la cámara. Ojalá y agreguen esta opción en una próxima actualización.
Kristia Neo Tales of Luminaria | อังกฤษ


ToL aside from the non landscape gameplay it find it pretty good. But the menu imo is a little bit too messy for my taste i havent spend too much time on it to write any much more though
Johπ Tales of Luminaria | อังกฤษ


Be 26
Recently got married to a solid 7/10
She wants kids right away
Gets her wish
Fast forward 9 months
Baby is on the way
In the waiting room becouse i couldn’t handle it
Wife has baby
mfw i see my child for the first time
Told her she could name tge baby anything she wanted
She tells the doctor that her name is Love
Wife isn’t a hippy or anything
I’m not huge fan, but f*ck it, i promised her
Fast forward 10 years
Baby is growing up
Love comes back from school crying
Ask what’s wrong
Says she is being bullied becouse of her name
I cheer her up with some ice cream
Problem solved and bast dad award achived
Fast Forward 7 more years
Love has turned into a 9/10
She dresses normal
Always wears red nail polish
But she is shy
Very shy
She is still mocked constantly becouse of her not so ordinary name
She comes home from school
Obviously disturbed
Ask her if its about her name
She says nothing
Just kisses me on the cheek and leaves
First time she has kissed me since she was baby
Just wasn’t her thing
Can hear wife pulling in
She is home early from work
Hear door open from daughters room
Door then opens from garage
Loud blast goes off directly behind me
I fall to the ground
Wife looks at me and screams
I look down and see bullet through me chest
Love says something about her name
I look up at my still beautiful wife
I say
Shot through the heart
And you’re to blame
You give Love
A bad name
yoruismyhubby Tales of Luminaria | อังกฤษ


The storytelling of this game is so unique and well done. I enjoyed playing and seeing the perspective of every characters. Jerle Federation best!

Edit: Tales of Luminaria deserves better!
Lynsgard Tales of Luminaria | อังกฤษ


if listen closely, for RWBY fans will know that the one dubbed character its the same people! i keep wondering why someone complaints about JP dub. i am playing this game and give full scores cuz the closeness with RWBY (≧▽≦)

so sad, that i cant play this game anymore... my phone's get jammed dunno why 😩
Gabriel Rebeche Tales of Luminaria | อังกฤษ


I am really enjoying the game! Hope that they complete the story before they decide to shut it down though
SleepyAsh Tales of Luminaria | อังกฤษ


Anyone else have King's Knight vibes from this game? ;-; the raid part especially. I love this game, one of the best gachas im playing rn. They are doing a very great job with it, keep going forward![開心]
Angelo Salamanca Tales of Luminaria | อังกฤษ


Good game with some great things:
- Great story
- Likeable character
- Wonderful music
- The devs actually listen to the community and implement fixes and suggestions of the community

Still the game has some not so good things:
- There's very little content, only 1 repetitive coop stage for a month and story event once a week that you clear in less than a hour
- Even tho every character is free and available from the start, their gear is locked to gacha.

The game is still good and worth trying, day 1 there were more problems like nowhere to lvl up but story, camera problems or clunky controls but the devs are always listening to the community and actively fixing the game.
And about the gear, there's daily summons to get free gear every day and story stages/raid battle give free accesories
ApenasumIdiota Tales of Luminaria | อังกฤษ


a historia e boa as cenas tmb são, a unica coisa ruim é a gameplay ela e horrível mas se vc conseguir ignorar isso vai ser um bom jogo
CHEIKHCR17 Tales of Luminaria | อังกฤษ


c'est vraiment un jeu super génial. je n'ai jamais vue un jeu de tales of aussi bien fait en 3D. si seulement vous pouvez le mettre en multi langue comme le français. ça aiderais bcp de gens à pouvoir en profiter dans leur langue respective. pensez y s'ilvouplait !
Jio Tales of Luminaria | อังกฤษ


★Game review :

Game Name:
Languages: Tales Of Luminaria
Game Size: 94MB - 2.33GB+
Price: Free
Platform: Android, IOS
Publisher: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
[GooglePlay] - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bandainamcoent.toluminaria_en
[TapTap] - https://www.taptap.io/app/222831
[QooApp] - https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/18282
[IOS] - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tales-of-luminaria-anime-rpg/id1582763609

☆Graphic 9.0/10
★Sound 8.5/10
☆Gameplay 8.5/10
★Storyline 9.0/10

♥Overall 9.0

Gameplay : https://youtu.be/VpFZ9oHD1Wc

Keyword :
#TalesOfLuminaria #RPG #Roleplaying


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