SoulWorker: Zero โชว์การ์ด

Na Na SoulWorker: Zero

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Player Name: 루셔

Introduction: 啊~很好玩,目前玩過所有(自己)MmoRPG類最喜歡的,美中不足就是沒有中文,在網上也沒人特地翻譯的文章,指(頁面.設定.數值等非劇情)所以自己會去找其他遊戲韓文翻譯對比文字慢慢摸索,雖然很累,可是真的很喜歡這手遊!

Hoe Gaar Den SoulWorker: Zero

Game Card created, 1 cards shared

Player Name: เกมส์

Introduction: คนละเกมส์555

M M SoulWorker: Zero

Game Card created, 1 cards shared

Player Name: Mister M

Introduction: Why does she remind me of Chun-Li from street Fighter that much?

Reyuka SoulWorker: Zero

Game Card created, 1 cards shared

Player Name: r

Introduction: Why i can't remove this chara?

AdamShadow SoulWorker: Zero

Game Card created, 1 cards shared

Player Name: GearS


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