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Nuts And Bolts Sort is a puzzle game developed byGOODROID,Inc.

"Nuts And Bolts Sort" - Puzzle Game Introduction

Looking for a game that is both challenging and relaxing? Look no further than "Nuts And Bolts Sort" - the ultimate brain training challenge that doubles as a stress-relieving escape.

The objective of this game is to sort bolts and nuts by type. While the gameplay mechanics are simple, the difficulty increases as you progress through the levels, and you'll need to rely on your brainpower to remember which bolts and nuts belong together.

With beautiful graphics, soothing sound effects, and ASMR elements, "Nuts And Bolts Sort" will keep you engaged and relaxed for hours. And if you're looking for a way to unwind after a stressful day, this game is the perfect way to do it.

Whether you're a fan of other sorting games like Puzzle or Filler, or simply seeking a fun way to relax, "Nuts And Bolts Sort" is the game for you. Download it now and see how far you can go.
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