Página inicial > Loja de Games > Yakuza ONLINE | Japanese

☞ Outra versão: Traditional Chinese

Yakuza Online | Japanese is a continuation of the popular Yakuza (龍が如く) series. The game revolves around a new character, Ichiban Kasuga (春日一番). Asides from being just a continuation of the first game, the game features the original voice cast for the characters from the original game. Additionally, all the underworld elements including fights, money, and girls are present in this new game.
Selected Note

For everyone confused about how to bind an account, after launching the game, click in the far right button in the bottom (1), then on far left button that shows up (2), like in the image. Put the password you want, but it needs to have a capital letter and numbers. The letters and numbers on the top is your Sega ID, take note of that. Enjoy~

Gráficos Gameplay Valor Históra Áudio 4.0
326 Avaliação(ões), 208 Comentário(s)
Selected Note

For everyone confused about how to bind an account, after launching the game, click in the far right button in the bottom (1), then on far left button that shows up (2), like in the image. Put the password you want, but it needs to have a capital letter and numbers. The letters and numbers on the top is your Sega ID, take note of that. Enjoy~

QRCode Yakuza ONLINE 人中之龍 ONLINE | 日版 será instalado no seu dispositivo. SEGA CORPORATION
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