Página inicial > Loja de Games > Anipang Poker for Kakao
From the developer of the #1 mobile Matgo game in South Korea, Anipang Matgo, SundayToz introduces the latest card game, Anipang Poker for Kakao.

Anipang Poker for Kakao is a casual poker game that features the excitement of poker and the ever-popular Anipang characters.

Come play the most authentic poker game with real stages. Experience Classic 7 poker, High-Low Badugi, as well as trendy Indian poker!
Now, it's your turn to play. Enjoy poker on your mobile device with your friends on KakaoTalk.
Gráficos Gameplay Valor Históra Áudio 3.9
15 Avaliação(ões), 2 Comentário(s)
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