Página inicial > Loja de Games > Can you escape Lakeside
Can you escape Lakeside is an adventure game developed by ArtDigic.

Gentle ripples on the calm water, trees dampened by morning dew. Numerous mysteries await in the mansion standing by the lakeside. Can you gather the clues and escape from here? Enjoy a leisurely time wrapped in the serene atmosphere of the quiet lakeside.

【Difficulty level】
Beginner to Intermediate
You can easily play this game even if you are a beginner, because there are hints 1 and 2 and the answers are provided.

・Screenshots of clues
・Auto save
【How to play】
Tap the place you are interested in.
You will get items and hints.
Make full use of them to get the key.
Observation and a flash of inspiration are important.
Gráficos Gameplay Valor Históra Áudio 3.8
1 Avaliação(ões), 2 Comentário(s)
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