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Bear Bakery is a simulation game developed by mafgames (Idle Games, Tycoon Games).

What is that smell?
Welcome! The hot tycoon game you ordered has arrived!

From now on, start a delightful day with adorable animal friends.
A small bakery in my hand Bear Bakery

Manager! Bakery, please!
This is how Bakery works!

★ Create new bread using Merge!
Make various breads using Merge!
What kind of bread will be Merge's next step!?

★ Decorate the best wellness room!
We need a break room for the well-being of our employees!
Buy furniture with Bakery profits to decorate your employees' break rooms!
When they eat well and get plenty of rest, your employees' performance will increase!

★ The life of the Bakery is bread!
Bakery's life is a variety of delicious breads.
Merge Tycoon makes several loaves of bread!

★ Know what your customers like!
Customers have different personalities and preferences!
Customer's style! Please identify your favorite bread and make it a regular!

★ Open a pop-up store with various themes!
Mr.Bearbae has developed a special bread recipe!
Since this is on sale for a limited time, hurry!
Don't miss out on the limited edition furniture that can only be found in the pop-up store!!!

What is Bear Bakery's fate?
It's in the manager's hands!!
Gráficos Gameplay Valor Históra Áudio 4.1
4 Avaliação(ões), 4 Comentário(s)
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