Página inicial > Loja de Games > Kukuru Yumaku
"Kukuru Yumaku" is a casual game launched by G.Gear.inc .

In this game, you need to combine different foods to form more types of food, and learn the seven skills of cooking.


Let's put "chuka" made in a steaming steamer on the table!

If the same "chuka" is combined, a new cuisine will be born.

You may find "chuka" that you don't know or that you eat often.

● How to play
① Tap the bamboo steamer and put the food in the steamer on the table!
②Let's make new Chinese dishes by combining the same dishes.
③ If you have more money, you can use "Development" and take it out of the steamer.
④ Discover more and more new "chuka".
Gráficos Gameplay Valor Históra Áudio 4.1
211 Avaliação(ões), 152 Comentário(s)
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