Página inicial > Loja de Games > Over the Bottom of Underwater
A Battle Free Exploration Game in an Empty World with 6 Endings
Regardless of luck, you control the only creature that is alive in this world and explore where you are, how you are gonna stay alive.

Estimated Play Time: 30 mins
It might take more time if you wanna clear all Endings.
Also, there are some endings that are probably hard to find, please trial and error and try to explore it.

【How to Play】
Tap: Confirm / Investigate / Move to specific area
Pinch (Zoom Screen): Cancel / Open Close Menu
2 Finger Swipe: Cancel / Open Close Menu
Swipe: Page Scroll

©Gotcha Gotcha Games Inc./YOJI OJIMA 2015
Gráficos Gameplay Valor Históra Áudio 0.0
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