Página inicial > Loja de Games > Untitled Goose Game
Untitled Goose Game is a puzzle stealth game developed by House House and published by Panic. Players have to control a goose who bothers the inhabitants of an English village. The player must use the goose's abilities to manipulate objects and non-player characters to complete objectives. It was released for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Untitled Goose Game originated from a stock photograph of a goose that a House House employee posted in the company's internal communications. This sparked a conversation about geese; the team put the idea aside for a few months until they realized that it had the potential to be a fun game. Inspired by Super Mario 64, and the Hitman series, House House worked on combining stealth mechanics with a lack of violence to create humorous in-game scenarios. The game's unusual name came from a last-minute decision in preparing the title as an entry for a games festival, and it stuck.

Official website: https://goose.game/
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