Página inicial > Loja de Games > Can you escape Villa Fiji
Can you escape Villa Fiji is a puzzle escape game developed by ArtDigic. In this game, players need to find the hidden clues in the beautiful surroundings of Villa Fiji to escape from it. Players do not need to worry about the difficulty of the game and can play it in a relaxing and fun way!

Lush, green nature, the ocean stretching out endlessly.
This beautiful mansion is illuminated by the tropical sun, and there are many puzzles to solve.
Will you be able to collect the hidden clues and escape from this place?

Enjoy a relaxing time surrounded by rich nature!

Difficulty level
For beginners to intermediate
There are hints 1, 2 and answers, so even beginners can play easily and surely clear to the end!

Screenshot of the clue
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How to play
Tap the location you are interested in.
You can get items and hints.
Use them to get the key.
It's important to be observant and have a flash of inspiration.
Gráficos Gameplay Valor Históra Áudio 3.8
1 Avaliação(ões), 1 Comentário(s)
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