Página inicial > Loja de Games > NIGHT AT CAT CAT HOUSE
NIGHT AT CAT CAT HOUSE is an escape game developed by APARTMENT BACON.

Going through web for house hunting and you reached to the website call "APARTMENT BACON.COM".

They are offering virtual house tour.
Enjoy the house full of cats and try to find your way out!


-This game has Auto-save function.

-Look around the house carefully to find items.
-Tap to collect items.
Once you collect item, it will be moved to inventory section.
Select item in inventory to use(selected item will be highlighted)
-Double tap collected item to see details.
-Use items to find another items or another rooms in the house.

Enjoy the house and good luck to find your way out from the house!

BGM/SE : https://freesound.org/
Gráficos Gameplay Valor Históra Áudio 4.4
14 Avaliação(ões), 12 Comentário(s)
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