Página inicial > Loja de Games > Horror mystery

[Este jogo não está mais em funcionamento.]


Horror mystery is a puzzle horror game developed by マリネアップス.

There are any terrifying phenomena in the world ...!
Unravel the truth of these spine-chilling mysteries!

All questions in the game are completely free to play!
Streaming of the game content is also welcome, no authorization is needed!
How to play the game
1) First, check the question
2) Find the correct answer in the image and tap on it
3) If you answer correctly, you will proceed to the next question.
Gráficos Gameplay Valor Históra Áudio 3.4
1 Avaliação(ões), 1 Comentário(s)
QRCode Horror mystery 恐怖謎團 será instalado no seu dispositivo. マリネアップス
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