Página inicial > Loja de Games > TDW2: Horror Adventure Game
TDW2 is a horror adventure game developed by TeamSupport for mobile. You woke up in old, empty psychiatric hospital ward. How did you get here? Whats going on around? Where does these creepy voices come from?

Its the second part of legendary horror in the spirit of old flash games - The Darkest Woods. This story won the hearts many players around the world. You can download the first part absolutely for free. But even if you didnt play it, it will be exciting anyway.

What awaits you:
— Exciting investigation
— Horrifying experiments
— Secrets in the darkness
— Shocking truth
— Multiple endings

We are not responsible for your nightmares, heart strokes and panic attacks!
Gráficos Gameplay Valor Históra Áudio 4.8
1 Avaliação(ões), 1 Comentário(s)
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