Página inicial > Loja de Games > Hero Ball Z
Meet Hero Ball Z!

▶A Character Collector RPG◀
✔ It’s nothing like any other typical shooters. Say hello to a character collector RPG shooter!
✔ Don’t stop combining and upgrading your heroes!

▶ Unique Heroes at Your Service! ◀
✔ Awesome characters from mega-hit game “Game of Dice” came back as heroes!
✔ Defend our planet with sensational heroes!

▶ Various Characters with Unique Skills ◀
✔ Strategically place heroes with 4 different types and lead them to victory!
✔ Evolve skills to make them stronger and cooler!

▶ Filled with Eye-Catching, Breathtaking Actions ◀
✔ Exploding fun with awesome characters you can’t help but love!
✔ Try out various skills and let the coolness sweep all over you!

■ Customer Support: https://joycity.oqupie.com/portals/812

■ Community: https://www.facebook.com/Heroballz.en

■ Privacy Policy: https://policy.joycity.com/en/privacy

■ Terms of Service: https://policy.joycity.com/en/policy
Selected Note
Gráficos Gameplay Valor Históra Áudio 3.3
188 Avaliação(ões), 156 Comentário(s)
Selected Note
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