Bungo Stray Dogs: Tales of the Lost | Inglês Resenha(s)
десять псин из десяти

AMO esse jogo: Tem dublagem (Ficaria ainda mais feliz se adicionasse a dublagem brasileira, mas já sei que é um sonho impossível.), os gráficos são muito bons, não tem PvP (Sempre me estresso com PvP) e os personagens ficaram muito fofinhos em estilo chibi.
Pro's :
1. Well, I... uhh (I just started playing today lmao so) oh right. I love the chibi characters so much! Well, every chibi character looks cute of course (Especially Dazai ohoho)
2. The gameplay is good, even though all you gotta do is aim a marble to some (idk what you call those balls) balls but yeah the sound is so relaxing
3. Hmm gacha is good I guess... (Got Francis SSR
Con's :
1. Hmm not sure if this game has any con's (Probably gacha but idk let's see my luck) Tbh the gacha is being salty, I can't get SSR. I can only get it in guaranteed SSR scout
Well I guess that's it? Hmm oh yeah! Please watch the anime it's so underrated
Okay see ya! ありがとうございます!
P.S. английская версия имеет различия в сравнении с японской, например, во второй проходит больше ивентов, но в целом, для первого ознакомления с механиками очень даже годно!
o jogo é bem legal, as card são bem bonitas, o modo história acompanha o anime então quando eu fui jogar sem saber de nada ver o modo história me deu uma idéia dos personagens e da trama me ajudou muito!
o modo do jogo é diferente, eu não costumo jogar esse estilo de jogo porém acabei gostando muitão desse jogo até a energia acabar
agora eu estou assistindo e jogando bungo stray dogs, estou amando os dois, realmente não tenho o que reclamar
I don't think there's much problems of this game, i love everything. UI was great, the chibi was so cute, the animation was so dope, every SSR characters have a short animation.
First, you have to complete a tutorial, will give you a beginner login bonus, which was good. It will give you a SSR ticket if you login at 7th day.
There's also Banners (yes we call them banner)which i love, there's 6 Banners, there are 3 permanent banners, 2 limited banners, and a paid banner.
Let's start with 3 perm banners first.
Rare Scout - this banner is filled with R to SSR character cards. You can use your SSR ticket, SR tickets and Scout Ticket in this banner ONLY. You can also use your Ability Stones in this banner but it's not worth it. Characters in this Banner can be upgraded to UR, The UR will have special effects and awesome Art/Picture if you upgrade them. Of course some of them didn't have UR awakening yet. There are some times that you can get a SSR on a scout ticket. (scout ticket can give you a SSR, SR, R. But the chances are low.)
Scene Card Scout - This banner is only scene cards which you can put it on your team, it will increase you attack power or health. You can get Scene Points from Scouting on any banners. Just not Friend Points banner. You can get SSR Scene Cards which the percentage is 0.3333. What exciting is you can get UR scene cards, which is 0.2500%. If you upgrade them, you'll get certain effects like increase health, increase attack power, receive damage down, marble size up, etc.
Normal Scout - This banner gives you power up materials, evolution materials, and characters which is extremely rare. SSR percentage is 1% but it's not impossible, some have gotten SSR Ango Sakaguchi in this banner (i only have gotten a SR chara, sad :( ) You can pull in this banner if you have Friend Points, You can get Friend Points by Receiving a Message, Replying to a Message, A achievement you can get friend points, and using a character of a player like you. If you have a friend, then you can get 20 FP in just a day. If you use your friends chara twice, it won't give you FP anymore. You can get 20 FP everyday, but just once on the day.
Limited Banners
Limited Banner - This banner features limited characters, you can use your Limited Tickets in this scout ONLY. This banner will give you either the Limited Character, or a Normal SSR in Rare Scout. 250 Ability Stones if you perform a 11-play scout. If you perform 10 plays on 11play-scout, you'll get a SSR. Same as Rare Scouts. This banner can be either a Birthday Banner, Revival Banner, or Ability Fes.
Step-up Scout Banner - This banner is i love the most, well, all the players in this game are. This banner gives you SSR, Guaranteed! Also gives you a discount XD. If you play more, you'll get an SSR character, guaranteed. I think this is the only game that had this ultimate Banner lol. Most of the step-up banners are only at Step 6.
Step 1 - Gives you a discount of 100 Ability Stones, You might get an SSR.
Step 2 - Gives you a discount of 50 Ability Stones, Might get an SSR.
Step 3 - Gives you no discount but gives you an SSR character GUARANTEED.
Step 4 - Gives you 50 discount, might get an SSR.
Step 5 - Gives you an SSR LIMITED CHARACTER GUARANTEED. No discount.
Step 6 - Play as many times as you want. No discount, Don't play anymore.
There's some banners that had up to Step 7. It also gives SSR chara guaranteed. Some banners gives you a special ticket, which you can get a limited character of your choice. Awesome right? :D
Paid Banner - Well, this banner is boring. It gives you a SSR guarantee but you play with Paid Stones. You have to buy with real money to perform a scout. Most of them are Ability Fes, but not all of them.
goddamit my hands hurt XD, If you had questions, just ask me.
Eu acabei viciando nessa merda, fico meia hora jogando até gastar as energias e fico esperando recarrega-las pra eu poder jogar NOVAMENTE
Além que dá bastante pedras para fazer os Scouts da sua escolha(principalmente no início do game), e tem eventos ótimos!!
Sempre que a energia acaba eu fico estressado pois quero jogar cada vez mais, e ver a história do Anime

Anyway ~
في عرب يلعبون اللعبه ولا لا؟
You can collect cards and see such beautiful arts.
The gameplay is very easy to understand I even manage to reach rank 7 in just one day
I loveee watching Bungo Stray Dogs and this game really captures the story and I enjoyed it
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