Bungo Stray Dogs: Tales of the Lost | Inglês Carta de Jogo

Randoukisser Bungo Stray Dogs: Tales of the Lost | English

Game Card created, 3 cards shared

Player Name: Randou

Introduction: My Rimbaud pull on the last new years scout.. i got him on step scout on 11th step (i kept getting Mori in the process but worth it 😋)

虚妄景 Bungo Stray Dogs: Tales of the Lost | English

Game Card created, 2 cards shared

Player Name: 太宰治 中原中也

Introduction: 英服还有活人吗,,,

情绪. Bungo Stray Dogs: Tales of the Lost | English

Game Card created, 1 cards shared

Player Name: 泉镜花

Introduction: 刚开不久的小号,想过运气会好一点,没想过运气会这么好,被吓到了……


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