~ so gameplay similar to arknights but 3D characters similar to Time defender also. it's a tower defense game but the difference is you're free to set their positions < inaction > not like other tower defense where they just sit there and APPLE PIE !! or KOKODAYO and retreet
~ graphics emm emm

~ ah grinding important thing in gacha well you can multiply and skip the progress so its not time consuming
~ chara design owalahh they all beautiful you got tha yandere waifu .. tsundere even a kudere
~ storyline UwU interesting indeed they got tha plot armor
~ gacha rate same 2% i didn't got lucky 40pulls just got one S heroes < the highest rarity > but nvr got what i want .. and the pity is at 80 pulls
~ BGM , UI etc all of are good
~ difficulty emm normal i guess doesn't need a einstein IQ
THAT'S ALL ~~ overall good games worth to try

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