MamaJoe 4.0 2022-09-19 22:38:29 신고 been enjoying this game a lot before its appearance on qooapp. super fun. needs to have an 18+ version, some of these girls are thrusting their crotches at the screen so we need it also, please allow us to continue our progress from google accounts
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4.0캐릭은 이쁜데 주변 퀄리티가 너무 옛날게임 같 그리고 처음에 시작할때 닉이...[大哭][大哭][大哭][大哭]
4.0게임이 방치형이라서 딱히 신경 쓸 것도 쥴어들어서 너무 좋아요.