Dont reset phone or delete the game expecting account is connected to ur gmail.
Lost everything idk Registered and kept transfer code but after spending hours building gundam all gone. Cannot login and lost my account. Many people lost account after getting full build set from gacha and then cant log back in. Horrible support team is very true. Because about 20 emails went back and forth for 3 months at the end they said sorry cant recover. funny alot players report similar like me. I feel like the support team are just there warming their seats.
리뷰 더 보기 더보기
1.2아니게임이튕겨ㅌㄱㄷㄱㄸㄱㄷㅈㄱㅊㅂㄷㅈㄱㅈㄱㄷ싯ㄷㄱ싣ㄴ지ㅡㅡㄷㄱㅌㅅㄱㅊㄱㄷㄴㄷㄴㅌㄴㄷㄴㄷㄴㄷㅂㅌㄱㄷㅂㅈㄱㅈㄱㅊㄱㅈㄱㄷㄱㄷㄱㅊㄱㅈㄱㅈㄱㄷㄱㄷㄱㅈㄷㄱㄷㅂㄴㄱㄷㄱㅌㄱㅈㄱㅈㅂㅌㄱ딪ㄱㅅㄷ븍ㅈㅂㅈㄷㅂㄷㄱㅈㅂㄷ지ㄱㅈㄷㄴ짖ㅂㄷ싲ㄱㄷㄴㅅㄱㅈㄱㄷㅂㅊㄴㄷㄱㄷㄱㅅㄱㄷㄴㅅㄷㄴㄷㄱㅈㄱㅈㄴㄱㄷㄱㄷㅅㄱ 아짜증딛ㅈ느디듥드리득니ㅡ긔느건그니ㅡ늬늑닌근그 진짜핸드폰던졌다