드래곤볼 Z 폭렬격전 | 글로벌

드래곤볼 Z 폭렬격전 | 글로벌

Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle | Global



I first want to start off by saying I love Dokkan Battle despite some of its flaws. I appreciate Dokkan Battle JP Version far more, but I believe the Global version is also very good! It certainly has come a long way. I mean, this is where I first started back in 2015. To this day I still have that very same account. Truth be told, nostalgia and the ability to summon for the units I don't always have on JP or to just make the account that much better and my pure love for Dragon Ball franchise as a whole is what keeps me playing both versions of Dokkan Battle passionately. Highly suggest you play it IF you like collecting, dragon ball and do not mind grinding/spending for the cards you really want at times. Dokkan Battle Global is definitely a wonderful Gasha Game and by far one of the most successful. You may or may not enjoy every aspect of it but you'll surely see why it's one of the best mobile games to offer.

리뷰 더 보기 더보기

Galder Great


현타 제대로 맞으려면 과금 추천ㅋ 무과금으로 맘 편하게 즐겁게 하고 싶다면 갓추 무과금으로 이정도로 즐길 수 있는 컨텐츠가 없다고 생각. 모든 모바겜 거기서거기 하지만 이거슨 불낙이 아녀[不滿]

Po tara


아 개꿀이네요 이런 갓겜은 드빌같은 망겜과 비교가 안되네요

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