looks nice i always like seeing 60fs (that depend on what hp you using ofcourse im still using samsung 8 :) anyways ill give it 8/10 (i know i just played it like 5-10mins only...and besides no want have yet review bout this game i might aswell do it right)
I like...or rather love the bgm so catchy (that depends on your taste on the music hey i wont alright jeez) ill give a 7.5/10...not much to say for this but it is what it is.
Same point as i said ontop if you have ever played that game b4 this "takagi san" game (name too long...aint guno type it in :p )...Ill give 8/10
Value?Like as in how worth the game is or?Well whatever the cause is if you are fan of "skilled teased takagi-san" go ahead and try out this game should be worth of your time you liked it
ill give 10/10 mainly because it helps you to kill time if you are bored or something
Overall i think i would say i love this game but i wont be spending too much time on this game maybe...also rmb how i said this game is similar to "guitar girl" (yes you said 3 times alrdy jeez) i suggest you download auto clicker if you too lazy (wait why thought?) "why?" because this game involve clicking the screen like no tmr...you nvr played other games like cookie clicker?? (cant rmb)...gone case
Anyways jokes aside hope yall enjoyed the game while waiting for the movie to come out eventually (which i know i can just read the manga...well defeat the purpose of finding out what will happen...alright chill everone have their own preference on whether to read the manga or nah)...alright ill stop there anyways have a good day/night/even which ever timezone you at right now
p.s the storyline ill update if i feel like it
p.s.s takagi-san best girl??
p.s.s.s is this how you use the "p.s's" ok ill go now bye
you still here?!?
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5.0장난을 잘치는 타카키양 좋아!! 애니 보신분이면 충분히 즐길거 같아요~~