This game is quite generous about gems and spirit stones which you can use to summon heros but the true rare things in the game are dark/ light elemental heroes and they are better than those normal heroes. It's very hard for you to get your hand on them unless you're really lucky. Well, ppl who p2w can just purchase some packs to get scrolls which can use to summon them right away and you are nothing to them in the arena. It's just life, man.
Forgot to mention it, but the game is in Japanese but there are too few of lines. How could I enjoy my waifu that way? They just cry some "uh, ah, oh?" in a battle that makes it's boring as hell.
Conclusion: it's lacking as a waifu game and it's a p2w one as a tactical game.
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4.0God Game
4.2국산 모바일 게임의 일본 이식판. 6각형 타일에서 턴제로 전투를 진행하는 방식으로 진행되며, 오토 기능도 지원된다. 하지만 오토 AI가 멍청하다. 캐릭터 배치도 랜덤이라 딜러가 탱보다 앞에 서다가 먼저 찢어지는 경우도 볼 수 있다. 가챠 확률이나 재화 수급도 그리 혜자로운 편은 아니다. 그래도 게임 자체는 완성도가 높으며, 제법 재밌게 즐길 수 있어 재미있다.