So yeah, the graphics was smooth and great. Though, when it comes to the gameplay I admit that I experience crashes and lags at first but I’ve seen someone’s post on how to solve that problem and with some adjustments It’s all good now. I find the storyline interesting especially on that part where momohito said this line “(何かの才能かないと、みんなに見捨てられる。例えそれか、自分の親だったとしても) ” kinda hits me through my deepest soul
All in all, I’m enjoying this so far. The game has a lot of potential and I’m looking forward to its improvements !
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4.8아이마스 의리로 찍먹만 할려다가 츠쿠모 카즈키라는 남성에게 휘말려서 인생이 망해 버렸습니다 제발 제 인생을 돌려주세요