dimas raharjo 3.4 2021-10-29 18:04:10 신고 this game is great but dayum, just whats the min spec android to run this, my phone barely can run every time gacha got force close lmao, though im pretty sure my phone not that's really potato cus still can run game that also heavy but in low set
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4.0리무루랑 라미리스 너무 귀엽고, 트레이니도 예쁘지 않나요?? 스토리도 좋고 애니메이션 그냥 보는느낌
5.0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSPFRrw0-Q0 Tensura slime isekai memories game play 転生したらスライムだった件 ゲームプレイ 전생슬 마왕과 용의 건국담 게임플레이