The sound effects so satisfying for keep your volume up and music was banger.
Story was about fantasy youkai, samurai, ninja where you can enjoy full voiced story telling.
The graphic was beautiful characters details and fluid animation live 2d mixed with 3dcg scence.
Not only than the dev were generous so many rewards for reroll i count can do 5x10 pulls.
리뷰 더 보기 더보기
Hada Kang
5.0저녁8시 오픈게임은 처음보넹 계속 연장하다가 늦어지는 게임은 많이봤지만 8시니까 연장은 안하겠지 일단 5주고 수정하러 온다
5.0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMtmbppLwoM ragnador game play ラグナドール ゲームプレイ 라그나도르 게임플레이