알케미아 스토리

알케미아 스토리

Alchemia Story

Si Fore


This is a turned base, multi job, grindy MMORPG. The game is a "Pay to Win" IF you focus only its market. To be able to enjoy this as a F2p, you need to do some research, pretty much weapons are not the problem here. Even currency is not a problem also the enhancement of both gears and skills. Pretty much, cuz of the YOME system, armor is the least to be worried about. DMG Limit is the main issue which can gain on some UR gears and mostly by max level all the jobs which can be a hell grindy(8-10hrs just to lvl up w/ out buffs) or just lazily do 3 dungeon runs that gives a total 1.5M exp.Every job has a unique combat style that turn a 10k dmg into 300k dmg, which is sometimes the devs didn't bother to explain how to do it...

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좋은데 제14화에서 천무엇을 만들어야하는데 어떡게 들어야 가는지 몰라요 제작자님 알려주세요.



mmorpg+꾸미기 최고의 조합입니다! 아무생각없이 찍다가 하루만에 거의 50장찍기도 하고... 하시는 분들이 정말 친절합니다! 카페도 물어보면 다 답해주시고, 정보도 많습니다! 한 번 해보세요! (친구가 해준다고 했는데 몇주째 시작도 안하네...)

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