우마무스메 : 프리티 더비 | 일본판

우마무스메 : 프리티 더비 | 일본판

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby | Japanese



This game is amazing. It's a very challenging game for those who like to play Japanese gacha games blindfolded, or just like to go for random stuff at the start.

I can tell you guys a couple of conclusive tips from watching Japanese guides, and just from experience.

You want 2-3 highly rated SSR or SR cards for speed, endurance, stamina, and wits. The only training card you care about is the tutorial girl, the one with green clothes. This is one of the support card that you can borrow, so dont bother rerolling for it. Keep in mind, the cards needed differs on the unit that you use so dont generalize that you always need 3 speed cards for every horse girls. Some horse girls do need 3 stamina, some need 3 speed, and so on. But we know for sure that guts support card is universally terrible. Guts is basically the one with the flame icon.

This means you have to priotize support cards not characters. When you do your gacha, make sure to do support cards and get the right deck first, then summon for characters. A character is useless without good support cards.

There are 5 training routines that you could do. Depending on the meters or the type of race that you're doing, you will either need more blue skills if you have below than average stamina but a lot of speed and endurance; or, if you have above than average stamina, endurance, or wits, yellow skills are the token to victory in place of speed. Even so, having high raw speed is always nice.

Speed > Endurance > Wits (skill activation rate) > Stamina > Guts (increase speed midpoint of the race). You should priotize your stats by that order. 4 and 5 can be skipped entirely. Unless you're doing like a 1800+ long race, stamina at 300-500 is a good range. If you have too much stamina for short races, it's kinda like having 5 chances to hit a ball, but the challenge was to hit the ball once, the other 4 chances are seen as a wasted stat.

Simply put, just train mostly speed, endurance, and wits. Raising endurance can indirectly increase your stamina so dont bother too much on doing the stamina training and only do a few of them, unless you're doing the long races.

There will be an option to check your status, whether it meets the requirement for the race or not, before you start your race. This represents in "O", "X", and a triangle symbol. O = you have enough, double O for exceeding the race's requirement (you dont want this on stamina), X = you know what, triangle = you're between O and X, barely passing.

And that will be it, have fun everyone. You can find deck guides online if you cant clear the entire tournament. It's rough but not impossible without it. Search for your horse girl and what deck they used for her. Also, skill order is another important factor to getting every 1st place in each race, but you should really just have fun and play around with what you got.

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Solmin King


계정 연동과 관련해서 말씀드립니다, 이 게임 구글계정이나 페이스북 연동을 할수있다고는 하나, 이것보다는 계정코드를 따로 따두시는게 좋습니다. 방법은 1. 인게임 홈화면에서 우측상단 메뉴버튼을 누릅니다 2. 아래 기타섹션에서 첫번째줄 두번째 버튼(휴대폰아이콘에 화살표 표시)인 데이터연계를 누릅니다. 3. 그러면 좌우 버튼두개 뜨는데 우측 녹색버튼을 눌러줍니다 3. 상(로그인), 하(계정저장) 녹색버튼 두개와 아래쪽에 흰색버튼(취소)이 뜹니다, 녹색버튼 두개중 아래꺼 누릅니다 4. 이후에 뜨는 버튼중 우측녹색버튼을 누르시면 입력칸이 두개 나오는데, "비밀번호 입력"과 "비밀번호 재입력" 입니다, 대문자와 소문자포함하여 8~16자리까지 입력 가능합니다. 5. 비밀번호 위아래 똑같이 입력후 OK버튼 위에있는 체크박스를 체크한뒤 OK누르면 됩니다 5-1. OK활성화가 안되면 비밀번호 설정조건 미달이라는 뜻입니다 6. OK누르면 계정코드 9자리와, 입력한 비밀번호가 일부 *표처리 되어서 나타납니다, 이걸 저장해두세요 이 방법이 구글계정을 연동해두는것보다 안전하다고 생각합니다 왠지모르게 구글계정 연동이 잘 안되는모양이더라구요 리뷰보는데, 구글계정만 연동해두었다가 데이터 날려먹으신분 계셔서 작성하였습니다.



게임플레이 소감입니다 경마 모에화게임이고 아이돌마스터처럼 중간중간 라이브도 나옵니다 경마 중계도 풀보이스로 중계해주면서 경마의 핵심인 속도감 아찔함도 정말 잘표현했습니다 신용하던 사이게임즈답게 프리코네의 뒤를 이어 엄청난 퀄리티의 게임을 보여주었으나 현재 일본에서만 가능하게 지역락을 걸어버렸고 vpn우회도 이름있는 것들은 대다수 금지처리를 하고있습니다 저는 일본에서 거주해서 별문제될건 없었지만 한국에서 플레이하려는 유저들한테는 vpn일일히 못쓸때마다 되는거 찾아서 하는것도 매우 귀찮고 굳이? 이런게임을위해 그렇게까지 해야하나 싶기도합니다 사이게임즈측에서도 " 해외유저들이 플레이를 못하는게 정상 굳이 우회를 해서 플레이를 하겠다면 말리지는않지만 중간에 못하게되어도 본인책임이다 " 라는것을 밀고가고 있으므로 불안한분은 현질하는것을 추천하지않습니다

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