클로저스M | 중문번체버전

클로저스M | 중문번체버전




well imported game actually. The gacha is based on costumes so i think u can get every characters i guess.
The bgm and graphics are just like the pc although the effects are kind of downgraded. And the battles are pretty much a button smasher. However the motions of the characters during the battle or the lobby are smooth as hell. And about the game systems.. its mostly about playing ur waifu or husbando because u get to play as their manager and there's this sns system that u can text to your char by selecting a dialouge. By doing that u can raise the heart to get close to your fav char.

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어떻게든 접속하고자 별의별짓을 다해봤지만 안됨 1.vpn우회(중국이 없어서 홍콩으로 했는데..ㅠ 2.언어 변경 누군가 되면 방법 좀 알려주세요 ㅠㅠ

warsx z



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