The art direction and graphics are really pretty decent to beautiful. The animations are dated.
The sound design is actually really good. It fit the atmosphere to a "T."
Then there is the story. The degree of enjoyment will vary radically between people. I found it shallow amd unfullfilling.
I understand how it is supposed to a dark version/alternate world/take on some grim fairy tales, but it was trying to be so dark and edgy, that sinOalice ran straight into being silly.
I enjoyed the experiment. Played for about 30 hours casually, then uninstalled.
There is absolutely an audience for this game, but I don't know how much saturation it will have in the market overall, and I don't see it lasting more than a year or so globally in it's current state.
I would go more into the battle system and the like, but some of our other patrons have laid it(and the gacha system), out so thoroughly, I didn't the need to elaborate in an almost identical manner. Basically, I agree with more of the downside comments a bit more. Which is a pity.
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