엑소스 히어로즈

엑소스 히어로즈

Exos Heroes

Mr. Bayercat


One of the new beasts in the gacha arena, and man! What a mixed bag of feelings! I love it/it's dailies are a chore! The combat is amazing/pvp matches can be so broken they literally become a stalemate! The story and voice acting are pretty outstanding/why didnt they animate any talking, it's weird!

So the gacha prices in Exos arent very good. There is a ginger lad who actually did a whale guide on youtube and mentioned which packages are worth it, and he makes a good case for what is an outright ripoff.

The big thing I would emphasize is keeping an eye on your achievements. There are so many ways to get xes before paying real cash, and they are totally things you are going to be doing anyway.

Probably some of the most stunning waifus collected in one game. I'm talking prime grade future ex-waifu material.

Exos Heroes still feels fresh. This means a couple of things. A) New content/charecters are constantly being added, there is a lot to do. B) There are truly some bizarre balancing/game quirks that will hopefully be addressed. Why these two points are so important is the meta for this game is SO volatile, with each week a new character/issue may be changed/fixed and decimate a previous thought unbeatable rotation.

It can be crazy frustrating in pvp, which is oddly the funnest puzzle to tackle. Because nothing is quite as funny/infuriating as beating the piss out of people one week, having One new character/FC drop(!), and now you are shit. I haven't seen a whole lot of nerfing, just counter meta characters, and it is really REALLY a fascinating way to go about handling balance.

This is one of the best gachas of the year.

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생각외로 스토리나 캐릭터는 정성을 들인것 같으나 어디서 본듯한 세계관과 구성이라 아쉬움 가챠는 평범하다고 하면 평범한데 확률 노답 전투시스템도 크게 유별난 점이 없고 이런 종류의 에픽세븐 같은 게임에 실망한 뒤로는 가챠로 캐릭뽑아 키우는 모바일게임은 이제 큰기대가 안된다.



[不滿]5성주세요. 무지개망토 벗으라고!!!! 무지개 같은 망토말고!!!!

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