Amazing game overall! The contrast between the 3D backround and the 2D units during battles makes this game both original and exciting. The character arts, as well as the ark arts were both done well. Real time battles make you feel apart of the game rather than just a puppet master. Also, if you look at some Arks for about 10 to 20 seconds you can see things like differences in color, new objects appearing or objects changing within the Ark and character arts. The gacha system is fair and the game does not make it too hard to get the crystals through gameplay rather than through purchase. The frequent updates and crossovers all change the game in terms of team compositions and what passives and magics you would want on your units. They add new units that make the game either easier or just help with bosses and may be used in future team compositions. The best thing about this game is how indepth the unit power up system is. Unlike some games, a unit's level doesn't dictate their overall power. Pasives, the skill trees, and buffs are what drive a units power. The use of souls to limit passives also make this game more of a challenge and add more to your workload and gives an agenda. Within that agenda, there is a system of collecting orbs to level up arks that also make this game a challenge. The only qualms I have is with seemingly generic story line that is out right now... however, it seems they plan on adding new parts to the story. This game is a 9.6/10 in my book!
리뷰 더 보기 더보기
4.4바하무트나 그랑블루를 떠올리게 하는 일본식 모바일 RPG 감성의 게임. 그래픽이 깔끔하며 브금도 좋고, 조작이 직관적이고 간편하다. 캐릭터 육성 면에서 특이한 점은 각종 장비 대신 '아크'라는 장비? 같은 것을 장착하게 되는데, 캐릭터의 역할을 장착하는 아크에 따라 바뀔 수 있어 각 캐릭터의 역할과 성능이 한정되지 않는다는 점이 마음에 든다. 하지만 결국 고성능 오브를 가챠로 뽑아야 하는 것 아닌가 싶기도 하다. 초반 스토리는 크게 인상적인 부분은 없고, 그냥 평범했다.
2.0캐릭뽑기가 하늘의별따기.. 60000개 투자해도 하나얻기 힘듬 스킬을얻을 수있는 아크는 그나마 잘나옴 아크렙업해야되서 2종류 소울 많아야되는데 저장고렙업도 빡셈 오래두고 해야 좀 재밌을게임 근데 그래픽이나 ui가 구시대 유물임 저같이 옛 게임 스타일좋아하시는 분께 추천