도쿄 세븐스 시스터즈_나나시스터즈 | 일본판

도쿄 세븐스 시스터즈_나나시스터즈 | 일본판

Tokyo 7th Sister



theyre cute as hell
songs: different varieties of songs, i like em but i wish there were more unique ones like striking diamond that shit went so hard. the songs in general are good, not perfect, but good.
characters: theres ALOT of different bands and they all have one unique genre or whatchamacallit. theyre cute and cool, the designs on em are also interesting.
gameplay: holy shit its challenging, i like it. it can be pretty easy if you get used to it, but even if you do get used to it there can still be some songs that can be pretty hard
art: the artstyle is so cutee..
ui: its pretty good and not all over the place and it fits the game

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요즘 운영이 넘 위태위태하지만 치노조 카키오로시는 좋았습니다... 10주년까진 버티자...제발...



스토리도 많고 노래도 나쁘지않은데 인터페이스가 좀 화려하다는 단점이 있다...조금 질리는거같다.

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