• 그래픽
  • 나이스브금
  • 갓겜수준
  • 굿스토리
  • 과금할만함
123 명의 평점, 72 명의 리뷰

☞ 다른 버전: Traditional Chinese | Japanese

GYEE is a RPG game developed by KIWIFRUIT STUDIO.

Through a magical Dice, you will travel to Luxium and encounter the Gyees.
You will come to understand each and everyone of them through this wonderful adventure.
And the choices you make will help them through hard time when they are misunderstood or discriminated against.

[About the Gyees]
In Luxium, almost 1 in every 20 is a Gyee.
They are brave, proud of whom they are and unafraid to show their true colors.
With bestial powers in their blood and the glow in their eyes,
they search kindred souls to link, motivate and bond with each other.

Their way of life has been misunderstood, discriminated against, or even attacked.

The City of Azria, once prosperous, now lies in ruins.
The anti-Gyee sentiment and people's fear of them have never stopped.
With the support of certain cities, the White Capes are now hunting down the Gyees.

Revenge? Escape?
Or look for acceptance?
The Gyees are torn.

Meanwhile, Flux Nexus, the source of flux for Luxium, is being corrupted.
The darkflux has brought Shadowbeasts to the land.
The Order of the Shadow is now trying to awaken Kel, their master.

Through a magical Dice, you arrived at Luxium.
In the Gyee's darkest hour,
your fate is now interwoven with theirs.
그래픽 갓겜수준 과금할만함 굿스토리 나이스브금 4.3
123 명의 평점, 72 명의 리뷰
QRCode GYEE-SEA 蓋伊傳說 | 東南亞版 해당기기에 설치됩니다 KIWIFRUIT STUDIO

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