홈페이지 > 게임스토어 > D4DJ Groovy Mix | Japanese
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  • 갓겜수준
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  • 과금할만함
4064 명의 평점, 2734 명의 리뷰

☞ 다른 버전: Traditional Chinese | English

D4DJ Groovy Mix is a rhythm game developed by Bushiroad International Pte Ltd_ for mobile.
Hey, DJ!
Turn it up in D4DJ Groovy Mix, the next big DJ-themed Anime Rhythm Game!
Tap, slide and scratch to OVER 130 TRACKS!
Play a mix of GROOVY original songs, cover songs, anime and game OSTs!
Completely CUSTOMIZE the UI and difficulty to fit your desired skill level!
COLLECT various cute, cool and gorgeous members to form HYPE DJ Units!
Read hundreds of STORIES and get to know each girl in detail!

■ Meet D4DJ's Adorable Cast
Meet girls from all of D4DJ's units: Happy Around!, Peaky P-key, Photon Maiden, Merm4id, RONDO, and Lyrical Lily! Pay attention to each unit's unique sound and personality!

■ Groove to the Beat!
Experience fully customizeable rhythm gameplay! Challenge yourself with difficult beatmaps or go completely hands-free with Audience Mode! You can play this game at any skill level!

■ Time-limited Events
Play in competitive Events against other players for a spot on the leaderboards! Get rewards and exclusive members for participating!

■ Raise the Bar with LIMIT BREAK
Level up your members with materials gained from performances! LIMIT BREAK certain members to get gorgeous, ANIMATED card art! Use high level members in units for amazing high scores!
베스트 노트

모든 계정에 프리큐어 리카 레이 포함입니다

2주년 린쿠,리카
사이드오리진 미이코
페스 토와,미이코
4성 14개 티켓 미사용


이런거 만들어드려요!!프세카,뱅드림,디포디제 일러스트 등등((타장르도 받아용))이케 만들어드립니다><원하시는 스타일과,일러스트 댓글로 남겨주시면 해드립니당당ㅇ

그래픽 갓겜수준 과금할만함 굿스토리 나이스브금 4.6
4064 명의 평점, 2734 명의 리뷰
베스트 노트

모든 계정에 프리큐어 리카 레이 포함입니다

2주년 린쿠,리카
사이드오리진 미이코
페스 토와,미이코
4성 14개 티켓 미사용


이런거 만들어드려요!!프세카,뱅드림,디포디제 일러스트 등등((타장르도 받아용))이케 만들어드립니다><원하시는 스타일과,일러스트 댓글로 남겨주시면 해드립니당당ㅇ

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