홈페이지 > 게임스토어 > All That Remains
  • 그래픽
  • 나이스브금
  • 갓겜수준
  • 굿스토리
  • 과금할만함
1 명의 평점, 0 명의 리뷰
This application is an interactive story.
Users can read the story by selecting choices that appear throughout.

■ Synopsis ■

It was a whirlwind romance that ended in a summer of love when the childhood friend you grew up calling ‘big sister’ finally confessed her feelings to you. Just when it seemed like you couldn’t have it better, she broke things off only weeks from graduating and disappeared without a trace.

Since then, you’ve enjoyed enough success in life to consider yourself lucky, even if you swore off ever opening your heart to a woman again. When a girl turns up on your doorstep one night claiming to be your daughter, it stirs up a deep well of unresolved feelings on top of the sudden grief at learning your high school sweetheart recently passed away.

With nowhere else to go, you agree to let the girl stay, but fate has even stranger twists in store that leave you wondering whether history might just repeat itself…

■ Characters ■

Yukika – your childhood sweetheart

Brash to the point of seeming cruel sometimes, Yukika fully inhabited her role as your ‘big sister’ from the moment you first met as children. As she matured into a promising athlete, the respect and admiration you always had for her morphed into something else as well. When she opened her heart to you one day, it seemed like you had a bright future together, only for her to break it off with no explanation. All these years later, will you finally be able to reconcile your feelings?

Haru – your lost sweetheart’s child

Starved for affection and bullied by her classmates for not having a father, Haru couldn’t be less like your memories of her mother when she first arrives claiming to be your daughter. When you grant her a place of refuge, you begin to notice the same defiant spirit smoldering within as she transitions from shy teenager to a confident young woman who makes you proud. When things take another unexpected turn, will the bond you’ve formed be strong enough to defy the odds?
그래픽 갓겜수준 과금할만함 굿스토리 나이스브금 3.4
1 명의 평점, 0 명의 리뷰
QRCode All That Remains 해당기기에 설치됩니다 Genius Studio Japan Inc.

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