홈페이지 > 게임스토어 > Mystera Legacy - MMORPG Sandbox
Mystera Legacy is a completely Free to Play online RPG in Open Beta. There are NO ads in our game. Join now and help us make this the best free MMORPG ever!

Featuring a 2D pixel style with a big sandbox world so you can build your own houses and shops if you like.

-Fun MMO for solo play or with friends. Fight monsters and discover rare loot
-Almost every action levels you up through skill based leveling system
-Full character customization: change your appearance at any time, it's free!
-Gain and upgrade all skills and abilities without class restrictions
-Gather resources and build your own house or create a tribe base
-You can survive off the land, hunting and crafting fire like a survival game
-Make a farm to supply you and your friends with food. Farming for plants or animals
-Explore the infinite dungeon for a roguelike experience
-Fight others in PvP areas, take part in tribe wars or plan a heist
-Defeat bosses and find special abilities
-Discover unique equipment with runes and upgrade them
-Build your own custom shops or rent from the Market Square
-Open world with both heroes and villains
-Tame pet dogs to guard your home and fight with you
-Cook unique dishes with rare spices to gain special buffs
-Rise on the leaderboard through farming, fishing, or building the strongest castle
-Featuring pixel graphics for a retro feel
-Completely free to play with cosmetic benefits for donators. F2P not P2W!
-More being added all the time, character creation takes 1 minute - go level up now!

How to Play:
-Hold the Directional Pad to move around
-To read signs go face them and press the Action button
-Swing your fist or weapon with the Action button
-Touch enemies to target them and move near to fight
-Move on top of loot and press Pickup button to place it in your inventory
-To use an item select it in your inventory and press Use button
-Tap chat field to talk locally. Press chat icon to switch to global chat

As you walk you level up exploration which increases movement speed. Fight rats for a couple levels then follow the road south and mine rocks and chop trees. You can use your fists to get stone and wood at first until you have enough to craft a pickaxe or axe.

Daggers and spears are the most popular weapons to make. Daggers will attack rapidly, and spears have a 2 tile range so you can target monsters at a distance taking little damage.

If you get burdened with item weight go to the character upgrades menu and the get Pack Rat upgrade to increase your carrying capacity.

You can get the Scholar upgrade to increase your experience gain and level up faster! Upgrades cost myst from slaying creatures, but you can get myst faster buy getting the Sage Wisdom upgrade.

A fast way to get experience is doing the newbie quests from the quests button.

Signs throughout Newbie Village will teach you the rest, or you can ask questions in Global Chat. You can leave to the north at level 5 (level 10 recommended) and build your own house when you get to Wellington or Galebrook. Wellington is a safe town so it is recommended if you don't want to risk raids and PvP. You can also rent a house at Market Square if you have the gold. For a rogue-like experience see how long you can last in the underworld - an infinite dungeon with endless possibilities!

Check mysteralegacy.com for the leaderboards, guide, forums and news. You can also play in your web or mobile browser on the website.

This multiplayer role playing game is in open beta and being actively developed. We are donation supported in order to keep the game free. Recommended Android version 5.0 or higher. Have fun!

Thank you for reading about our free sandbox mmo. When Mystera is out of beta the game will still be free and your progress will not be erased, so start a character today!
그래픽 갓겜수준 과금할만함 굿스토리 나이스브금 3.7
8 명의 평점, 7 명의 리뷰
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