홈페이지 > 게임스토어 > Girl Who Cried Wolf: Otome

Breaking news! A werewolf-like beast has been attacking the city, and the Lunar Ledger wants you on the case! Eager to overcome your rookie status, you’re excited to make headlines alongside the paper’s star journalist, your sexy new CEO, and the charming politician at the heart of the scoop, but then you discover that your new team might be more wild than they let on…

Just as you learn that your colleague and boss are both werewolves, they reveal an even more shocking truth… Your bloodline gives you power over werewolves, and they need your help to unmask the wolf behind the recent attacks in order to save the reputation of their kind.

Will you learn the truth behind this story and howl it to the world? Or will you give in to your feral desires?

Hunt for the truth in Girl Who Cried Wolf!


Introducing Julio — The Alpha CEO

Strong, sexy, and commanding, your new CEO Julio seems to be the perfect image of the alpha wolf, ready to take charge. Yet his drive to stop the attacks hints at deeper motivations. What secrets haunt this mysterious man?

Introducing Nate — The Lone Wolf

Calm and efficient, Nate has a reputation in the newsroom as the best of the best… So he’s none too pleased to be partnered with a rookie. As you work to prove yourself, will you be the one to help him resolve past mistakes?

Introducing Victor — The Puppy-eyed Politician

Victor takes the world of politics by storm with his plans for reform—until signs point toward him being the culprit behind the attacks. Is someone leading you toward a false story, or is this charming politician a monster in disguise?

Introducing Calvin — The Carnivorous Cameraman

Calvin worked by your side before your promotion, and this new story brings you together again. Although he doesn’t know the full truth, he’s eager to help in any way he can… but what lies behind his affection for you?
그래픽 갓겜수준 과금할만함 굿스토리 나이스브금 4.5
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